Selamat Datang di Pertanian Modern !

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman secara online

Dengan begitu banyak pengecer tanaman online untuk dipilih, mungkin sulit untuk mengetahui tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman secara online. Banyak pemasok tanaman kebun yang dipesan melalui pos telah berjuang untuk memenuhi permintaan – dan mencoba membeli kompos secara online bisa terasa seperti pencarian yang sia-sia.

Jadi, kami telah menjelajahi pembibitan, penanam, pusat taman online, dan pengecer untuk menemukan tanaman mana yang tersedia untuk pengiriman. Baik Anda ingin membeli tanaman tempat tidur, membeli tanaman dalam ruangan, mengirimkan tanaman pernyataan, atau hanya ingin membeli kompos, Anda akan menemukan tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman kebun secara online di Inggris di sini.

Pada saat penulisan, semua pembibitan yang tercantum di bawah ini memiliki stok tanaman. Sebagian besar memiliki pabrik untuk dibeli secara online untuk pengiriman nasional – beberapa hanya menawarkan pengiriman lokal, dan ini ditunjukkan dengan jelas. Kami juga telah mencantumkan tempat untuk membeli kompos secara online – beberapa hanya dapat menawarkan pengiriman kompos untuk pesanan massal, tetapi ini ditunjukkan dengan jelas. Kami juga telah mencantumkan beberapa pemasok online yang bagus untuk perlengkapan berkebun, peralatan, dan kebutuhan berkebun lainnya, sehingga Anda bisa mendapatkan apa pun yang Anda butuhkan dikirim langsung ke rumah Anda.

Karena pembatasan baru seputar pergerakan pabrik, banyak pengecer tidak dapat mengirimkan pabrik di luar daratan Inggris Raya, termasuk ke Irlandia Utara.

Jelajahi penawaran dan diskon hebat terbaru untuk tanaman, peralatan, dan aksesori di

Ingin menambahkan bisnis pabrik pesanan melalui pos Inggris Anda ke daftar ini? Jika Anda memiliki stok yang tersedia untuk pengiriman, harap hubungi kami.

Jelajahi panduan kami untuk membeli tanaman secara online, serta tempat yang menyediakan kompos dan peralatan berkebun lainnya.

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman Alpine

Pembibitan Alpine dan Rumput

Pegunungan Alpen dan rerumputan

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Lincolnshire, menumbuhkan alpine selama lebih dari 30 tahun dan rumput hias selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Tanaman diperbanyak di lokasi dan disatukan dalam koleksi seperti alpines untuk palung, alpines untuk penyerbuk dan cascading alpines. Pengiriman tersedia di seluruh Inggris.

01775 640935

Pembibitan Kebodohan Gua

Pegunungan Alpen dan tanaman keras

Pembibitan Herefordshire yang dikelola keluarga yang terletak di Malvern Hills dan berspesialisasi dalam tanaman keras herba, alpine, dan umbi, semuanya ditanam secara organik dan dalam kompos bebas gambut.

01684 540631

D'Arcy &Everest Alpines

Pegunungan Alpen dan tanaman keras

Spesialis penanam alpine dan tanaman keras yang memenangkan banyak penghargaan, dengan semua tanaman diperbanyak dan dibesarkan di lokasi.

01480 497672

Pembibitan Hartside

Alpine, tanaman keras

Tanaman keras yang tumbuh di luar ruangan di North Pennines, dijual secara individual dan dalam 'koleksi' yang dipilih oleh pembibitan dengan diskon 40% dari harga katalog (mereka juga akan membuat koleksi dipesan lebih dahulu untuk situasi tertentu). Pesanan melalui email dari katalog di situs web

01434 381372

Tanaman Kebun Kevock

Alpen, umbi, pohon, semak

Pembibitan pemenang penghargaan di Perbatasan Skotlandia ini mengkhususkan diri pada tanaman hutan seperti meconopsis dan primula, serta tanaman alpine, marginal, dan rawa. Namun, saat ini pengiriman membutuhkan waktu sedikit lebih lama, dengan waktu tunggu hingga empat minggu.

0131 454 0660

Pembibitan Pottertons

Pegunungan Alpen, bohlam

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga, berbasis di Lincolnshire, yang mengkhususkan diri pada alpine, umbi kerdil, dan tanaman hutan.

01472 851714

Pembibitan Jembatan Gemuruh

Alpine, tanaman hutan

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Kinross, yang mengkhususkan diri pada tanaman alpine, tanaman hutan dan primula auricula, semuanya ditanam di kompos bebas gambut. Pesanan untuk pengiriman kurir, biaya minimum £15, atau tersedia untuk pengambilan lokal.

01577 840160

Pembibitan Slack Top

Pegunungan Alpen

Spesialis alpine terkemuka yang menjual tanaman tangguh dan kuat yang dibesarkan di luar ruangan di pembibitan Yorkshire yang bertengger tinggi di Pennines. Permintaan cepat sehingga toko online saat ini buka setiap hari Minggu, lalu tutup setelah batas pesanan mingguan tercapai.

01422 845348

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli Tanaman tempat tidur


Tempat tidur, tanaman keras

Spesialis penanam taman merah muda, anyelir, geranium, dan fuchsia, ditanam di kompos bebas gambut dan dikirim dalam kemasan yang dapat didaur ulang.

01273 844229

Pembibitan Botani

Dua tahunan

Pembibitan tradisional yang dikelola keluarga ini adalah rumah bagi Koleksi Nasional Warisan Tanaman Digitalis (foxgloves) dan memiliki tanaman yang tersedia dalam pot 9cm serta benih. Juga menjual peony sebagai divisi berbunga besar, dan berbagai tanaman muda ditambahkan ke toko online saat tersedia.

07850 328756

Pembibitan Brookside

Tempat tidur, tanaman keras, tanaman sayuran

Pembibitan tanaman yang berbasis di Staffordshire, yang mengkhususkan diri pada tanaman steker untuk alas tidur musim panas dan keranjang gantung, serta tanaman keras siap tanam, tanaman sayuran, dan serba-serbi taman. Pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan di atas £50, atau £4,95 jika di bawah, dan Anda dapat memilih tanggal pengiriman yang diinginkan sebelumnya.

[email protected]

Krisan Langsung

Tempat tidur, semusim, tanaman keras

Krisan yang diperbanyak di rumah dipasok sebagai tanaman sumbat yang ditanam dalam wadah kertas untuk ditanam langsung. P&P tetap sama untuk tahun 2021 dengan harga £3,95 untuk pesanan ukuran apa pun, dengan diskon 10% untuk pesanan 10 tanaman atau lebih.

0800 046 7443


Tempat tidur, tanaman keras, tanaman rumah

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga yang membangun reputasi kuat sebagai penanam spesialis pelargonium, begonia, ivy, dan pakis. Di antara tambahan terbaru dalam rangkaian ini adalah koleksi kembang sepatu tropis.

01789 720788

Para Petani

Tempat tidur, tanaman rumah

Pengecer online yang menjual berbagai macam tanaman tempat tidur. Tanaman dijual dalam jumlah besar, paling banyak dalam kemasan minimal 8 tanaman. Tanaman dikirim dalam kemasan yang dapat didaur ulang. Pengiriman saat ini memakan waktu setidaknya 5 minggu.

0333 3585777

Pembibitan Potash

Tempat tidur, semak

Fuchsia dan pelargonium tumbuh bebas gambut di pembibitan Suffolk ini; saat ini menerima pesanan untuk pengiriman Mei. Eksperimen tahun lalu yang menjual pesanan lewat pos pelargonium untuk pertama kalinya sangat populer hingga sekarang menjadi perlengkapan tetap:pesanan hanya diambil melalui telepon.

01449 781671

Roualeyn Fuchsias

Tempat tidur, tanaman keras

Setiap jenis fuchsia yang lembut dan kuat dari penanam spesialis ini, yang berbasis di Conwy Valley di Wales. Selain fuchsia tempat tidur setengah kuat yang flamboyan, Anda akan menemukan varietas kuat untuk pembatas dan beberapa jenis yang lebih tidak biasa dari Fuchsia arborescens raksasa setinggi 2m hingga jenis Encliandra mini.

01492 640548

Hortikultura Tenggara

Pasang tanaman, tempat tidur, tanaman keras

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Essex, dengan ribuan tanaman muda ditanam di lokasi setiap tahun. Jelajahi berbagai macam tanaman tahunan / dua tahunan, tempat tidur, tanaman steker abadi dan semak, serta umbi, umbi-umbian, biji-bijian, peralatan &peralatan taman. Pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan di atas £50, tetapi saat ini ada penundaan pengiriman selama 7 hari karena permintaan yang tinggi dan pembatasan Covid.

Silakan hubungi melalui formulir online

Woottens dari Wenhaston

Tempat tidur, tanaman keras, bohlam

Pilihan pelargonium dan auricula dari pecinta tanaman, ditambah tanaman keras dan agapanthus. Meningkatnya permintaan dan kekurangan staf berarti penundaan dua hingga tiga minggu dalam memproses pesanan. Klik dan kumpulkan layanan untuk pelanggan lokal.

01502 478258

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli Bohlam

Bloms Bulbs


Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga pemenang berbagai penghargaan, sekarang mengirimkan bunga lili, begonia, dan canna di antara umbi musim panas lainnya.

01234 709099


Keluarga besar pesanan melalui pos menjalankan bisnis dari Holbeach, Lincolnshire, dan anak perusahaan Taylors Bulbs. Mereka telah menanam bunga bakung selama lebih dari 100 tahun dan telah berpameran selama 28 tahun terakhir di RHS Chelsea. Selain daffodil, berbagai macam umbi berbunga musim semi dan musim panas juga tersedia.

01406 426216

Lampu De Jager


Pembibitan bohlam yang sudah lama berdiri dengan berbagai macam bohlam musim panas:sekarang menerima pesanan untuk dahlia yang ditanam di lapangan tetapi segera dapatkan karena varietas populer terjual dengan cepat. Ada juga diskon web 10% untuk pemesanan awal.

01622 840229

Pembibitan Harts


Berbagai macam umbi musim panas, termasuk pilihan bunga lili, gladioli, nerine, dan eucomis pemenang penghargaan. Pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari £50 – dan penawaran serta diskon khusus reguler tersedia, jadi lihat buletin dan blog mereka.

07855 785540

Pusat Pabrik Hoyland


Pembibitan kecil yang dikelola keluarga dan reguler Chelsea, berspesialisasi dalam agapanthus, clivia, nerines, dan tulbaghia. Saat ini menawarkan diskon hingga 50% untuk jalur tertentu, ditambah pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan di atas £50.

01226 744466

[email protected]

Peter Nyssen


Umbi musim semi di hijau, dan berbagai macam bohlam musim panas termasuk dahlia, gladioli, lili, dan begonia. Juga menjual tanaman keras yang keras, pakis dan sejumlah kecil pohon dan semak belukar. Pengiriman saat ini berjalan sedikit di belakang biasanya, sekitar 2-3 minggu.

0161 747 4000

Tanaman Pegar Acre


Penggemar gladioli yang menjulang tinggi di stan Pheasant Acres telah menjadi pemandangan yang tidak asing lagi untuk ditunjukkan kepada pelanggan tetap selama bertahun-tahun, dan sekarang Anda dapat membeli stok pertunjukan Chelsea tahun ini secara online sebagai 'koleksi kontainer' 50 umbi. Sekarang juga menerima pesanan di muka untuk tanaman dahlia siap-taman, dikirim mulai pertengahan Mei.

01656 664086

Tanaman Bunga Mawar

Tanaman keras, umbi, dahlia yang kuat

Dengan bisnis pesanan surat yang mapan untuk umbi dan dahlia, pembibitan Essex pemenang penghargaan ini juga menawarkan pilihan tanaman keras pilihan untuk membeli pesanan surat. Semua telah ditanam di luar ruangan di pertanian dan ditawarkan sebagai tanaman muda yang berakar baik, siap untuk ditanam. Saat ini pengiriman dalam lima hari kerja oleh layanan kurir hari berikutnya atau pesanan dapat dikumpulkan dengan pengaturan sebelumnya.

01992 573775


Dahlia, umbi

Seperti yang terlihat di BBC GW, pembibitan West Sussex ini memasok tanaman dahlia siap-taman melalui pos dari Mei, dibesarkan dalam pot biodegradable.

0800 304 7124

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman eksotis

Pembibitan Biru

Eksotik yang kuat

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga, berspesialisasi dalam tanaman eksotis yang kuat dari seluruh dunia. Pembibitan yang berbasis di Wiltshire juga menjual berbagai tanaman keras yang lebih dikenal, dan semuanya tersedia untuk dibeli dari situs web mereka.
Semua harga sudah termasuk pengiriman juga – jadi tidak ada biaya P&P tersembunyi.

Hubungi melalui formulir online

Chichester Gingers


Koleksi Nasional Bunga Lili Jahe Hedychium sp. Daftar koleksi tersedia untuk dilihat di situs web, namun harap hubungi pemilik, Andrew Gaunt melalui email, untuk mengetahui apa yang tersedia untuk pesanan melalui pos.

[email protected]

07767 357 224

Tanaman Pertanian Crûg


Pemburu tanaman Sue dan Bleddyn Wynn-Jones berkeliling dunia untuk mencari tanaman eksotis dan tidak biasa untuk dijual melalui pembibitan Wales utara mereka. Meskipun pembibitan sekarang ditutup, pesanan melalui pos tetap beroperasi seperti biasa; semua tanaman ditanam tanpa gambut.

01248 670232

Gurun ke Hutan

Semak, pohon, eksotik, sukulen

Eksotis yang kuat dan setengah kuat dari palem dan echium raksasa hingga agave dan canna; masih terlalu dini untuk mendapatkan spesimen yang lebih empuk (pertengahan Mei adalah waktu puncak pembelian), tetapi pakis, rerumputan, dan bambu kini tersedia.

01823 443701


Sayuran, umbi, eksotik, pakis

Jangan mengharapkan sayuran biasa dari pembibitan pecinta tanaman ini:sebagai gantinya Anda akan menemukan kacang Amerika, udo, dan thistle yang dapat dimakan. Garis spesialis lainnya termasuk umbi musim panas yang tidak biasa dan pakis yang tidak biasa dan eksotis.

01635 578113


Tumbuhan karnivora

Penanam spesialis organik dari setiap jenis tanaman pemakan serangga, mulai dari bladderworts dan penangkap lalat Venus hingga sundews dan sarracenias, ditanam tanpa gambut di kompos mereka sendiri yang diformulasikan secara khusus. Ada P&P gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari £45.

Hubungi melalui formulir online

Tanaman Kelnan


Pembibitan kecil yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Cornwall dan berspesialisasi terutama pada restio dan protea Afrika Selatan, meskipun mereka juga menyediakan tanaman keras lain yang tidak biasa.

07773 586603

Penberth Plants Ltd


Berbasis di teluk nelayan kecil di Cornwall, pembibitan kecil yang dikelola keluarga ini mengkhususkan diri dalam perbanyakan tanaman dari Afrika Selatan dan Belahan Bumi Selatan. Kisaran termasuk aeonium, sukulen, protea, restios, umbi berbunga dan semak langka dan tidak biasa lainnya. Paspor tanaman dikeluarkan untuk setiap pesanan.

[email protected]

Pembibitan Semak belukar

Tanaman keras &eksotis

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga ini berspesialisasi dalam tanaman keras herba yang tidak biasa, dan eksotik termasuk tanaman hias dan tanaman konservatori. Ada juga pilihan allium siap-taman, pot dan di ujung bunga. Pembibitan tutup hingga setidaknya pertengahan April, tetapi ada pengiriman gratis dan layanan klik-dan-ambil untuk pelanggan lokal.

01473 657012

Succulents surealis

Sukulen, eksotik, pakis

Sebuah pembibitan kecil yang berbasis di Tremenheere Sculpture Gardens di West Cornwall. Pemenang beberapa Medali Emas RHS, yang mengkhususkan diri dalam sukulen, palem, pakis, rumput, dan banyak tanaman langka eksotis lainnya dari seluruh penjuru dunia. Rangkaian sukulen yang sangat besar dengan lebih dari 200 varietas untuk dipilih, dari yang langka dan tidak biasa hingga varietas kuat Inggris. Pemesanan melalui pos tersedia di seluruh Inggris Raya dan UE.

07548 010897

[email protected]

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman kebun (umum)

Tanaman Binny


Salah satu pembibitan terkemuka di Skotlandia, dengan berbagai macam tanaman baru dan tidak biasa termasuk tanaman keras, pohon, dan semak, ditambah lebih dari 300 jenis peoni yang ditanam di kompos bebas gambut.

07753 626117

Tukang Kebun

Bundel tanaman, kompos

Perusahaan ini, sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Lockdown Gardener, muncul sebagai tanggapan atas penguncian pertama. Itu sangat sukses sehingga mengubah namanya sendiri untuk jangka panjang. Itu masih mengirimkan bundel tanaman langsung dari petani ke alamat dalam M25 (pesanan minimum £ 35), dengan pilihan berubah setiap minggu. Tapi musim ini mereka juga berencana untuk memperluas zona pengiriman ke Birmingham dan Surrey:email untuk detailnya. Bundel dapat mencakup pilihan tempat tidur, tanaman keras, dan makanan; mereka juga mengirimkan kompos dan kantong tanam bebas gambut, dan juga menawarkan layanan desain taman online.

0207 183 2246

Bumi Ajaib

Tanaman siap tanam, tanaman hias, kompos, pasir

Pusat taman independen kecil yang berbasis di Lincolnshire. Mengkhususkan diri pada tanaman siap kebun yang ditanam di Inggris, termasuk berbagai sayuran organik dan tanaman herbal, serta persediaan umum kompos, pekebun, pasir dan lumut. Pembibitan juga mengkhususkan diri pada tanaman mini dan ornamen untuk membuat taman peri. Pengiriman Inggris gratis melalui kurir Senin-Jumat untuk semua pesanan di atas £25, ditambah klik dan ambil untuk pelanggan lokal.

01673 878095

Tukang Kebun Menyukai Pembibitan Tanaman Online


Pembibitan tradisional yang dikelola keluarga berbasis di Devon, dan menanam 90 persen tanaman yang mereka jual. Tanaman keras, clematis, dan agapanthus dapat dipesan melalui pos.

01271 861461

Pembibitan Dixter Hebat

Great Dixter adalah rumah keluarga dari tukang kebun dan penulis berkebun Christopher Lloyd, taman itu sekarang berada di bawah pengawasan Fergus Garrett. Tanaman dari kebun telah diperbanyak di sini sejak tahun 1954; menggunakan kompos buatan sendiri (Dixter Gold) dan rangka dingin. Pembibitan kecil terbuka untuk pesanan pos yang menjual tanaman yang sudah dikenal maupun yang tidak biasa. Lihat katalog pembibitan untuk melihat apa yang tersedia, ditambah rangkaian serba-serbi, benih, peralatan berkebun, dan lainnya dari toko online.

01797 254044

Tanaman Kotak Hijau

Semak keras, tanaman keras

Pembibitan tanaman keluarga yang berbasis di Barat Daya Inggris memasok tanaman berkualitas tinggi dan kuat berdasarkan jenis koleksi, yaitu tanaman untuk wadah, tanaman untuk kebun pondok, tanaman untuk kekeringan, dll. Tanaman Kotak Hijau bersemangat untuk melindungi lingkungan jadi gunakan yang alami dan bahan yang dapat didaur ulang sedapat mungkin, ditambah kotak kemasan yang disukai sebelumnya. Pengiriman ke seluruh Inggris dan Wales.

[email protected]

Pusat Taman Lealans

Tempat tidur, kompos, serba-serbi

Pusat kebun yang berbasis di Wolverhampton, menyediakan berbagai macam tanaman, kompos, pupuk, serba-serbi, perawatan burung, dll. Pengiriman dalam radius 10 mil dari kode pos WV6 7EZ dengan biaya £5 (pembelanjaan minimum £30).

01902 700209

Pusat Pembibitan &Taman Littlehurst

Tanaman keras, alpine, pohon, semak

Pusat taman independen kecil yang berbasis di Coventry, menyediakan berbagai tanaman, semak dan pohon termasuk tempat tidur yang ditanam sendiri dan tanaman herba. Toko online pembibitan sekarang berdiri dan berjalan dan mengirimkan dalam radius sepuluh mil – atau lebih jauh dengan pengaturan khusus. Saat ini stok terbatas tetapi semakin bertambah setiap saat.

[email protected]

Taman Bukit Marwood

Tanaman keras, semak, pakis

Marwood Hill yang berbasis di Devon Utara adalah taman seluas 20 hektar yang dibuat oleh mendiang Dr James Smart dan termasuk Koleksi Nasional Astilbe. Taman ini sekarang terbuka, tetapi jika Anda tidak dapat mengunjunginya, Anda juga dapat memesan tanaman dari toko online mereka, diperbanyak dari spesimen langka dan tidak biasa yang ditemukan di taman dan termasuk berbagai tanaman keras, semak, rumput hias, dan banyak lagi. Klik dan ambil tersedia untuk pelanggan lokal, jika tidak, layanan kurir dengan biaya tetap sebesar £13,50 tersedia.

01271 342528

[email protected]


Bundel tanaman, alas tidur, kompos

Mengirimkan secara nasional, Plants2People bekerja dengan pembibitan di seluruh Inggris untuk mengirimkan tanaman ke pintu Anda melalui layanan kurir sehingga Anda dapat tetap aman di rumah. Pilih dari berbagai tempat tidur, tanaman tahunan, serta berbagai kompos organik.

[email protected]

Pusat Taman Polhill


Berbasis di Sevenoaks, Kent, kamar bayi ini menyediakan pengiriman lokal gratis untuk pesanan di atas £50. Memasok serba-serbi taman umum, termasuk tempat tinggal dalam dan luar ruangan, tanaman tempat tidur, tanaman keras, semak, pohon, kompos, agregat, perawatan burung dan banyak lagi. Pesanan dapat dilakukan melalui situs web.

01959 534212

Pembibitan Taman Windlebridge


Sebuah pembibitan berbasis di Middlesborough yang menawarkan berbagai macam tanaman keras, tanaman tempat tidur, mawar David Austin, pohon, semak dan banyak lagi, serta serba-serbi taman, perawatan burung, dan furnitur taman. Saat ini menawarkan pengiriman hari berikutnya (tidak termasuk hari Minggu) ke kode pos TS hanya melalui situs web mereka.

01287 635642

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman Herbal

Herbery Pondok

Herbal, tanaman keras, biji-bijian

Pembibitan kecil pemenang penghargaan yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Lembah Teme, menanam dan memasok tanaman herbal bebas gambut, makanan yang tidak biasa, tanaman aromatik dan tanaman keras yang tahan lama. Anda dapat memesan melalui situs web untuk pengambilan tanpa kontak yang telah diatur sebelumnya dari kamar bayi atau pengiriman lokal gratis untuk pesanan di atas £35 – daftar kode pos untuk pengiriman dipublikasikan di situs web mereka.

[email protected]

Budaya yang Dapat Dimakan

Herbal, biji-bijian, tanaman yang dapat dimakan

Pembibitan Kent ramah lingkungan yang mengkhususkan diri pada tanaman pangan yang tumbuh bebas gambut, tanaman keras asli dan tanaman pagar tanaman, ditambah berbagai alat dan kompos. Penggunaan plastik dikurangi sedapat mungkin, dengan kompos dikirim dalam kantong yang dapat digunakan kembali. Pengiriman gratis dalam radius 40 mil dari lokasi pembibitan di Faversham – email untuk detailnya.

[email protected]

01795 537662

Pembibitan Taman yang Dapat Dimakan

Herbal, tanaman yang dapat dimakan

Pembibitan berbasis Devonshire, awalnya didirikan di Suffolk pada tahun 1985. Spesialis penanam herbal dan tanaman yang dapat dimakan dipasok dalam pot besar berukuran 1-2L, yang bebas gambut dan bahan kimia. Sejumlah besar tersedia untuk pesanan melalui pos, dikirim dalam kemasan bebas plastik yang dapat didaur ulang atau dibuat kompos.

[email protected]

01647 400301

Glenholme Herbal

Herbal, pelargonium

Pembibitan kecil yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Dorset, berspesialisasi dalam herba dan pelargonium, serta bunga liar, salvia, sempervivum, dan tanaman cabai. Pengiriman dan klik dan ambil keduanya tersedia.

01963 220302

[email protected]

Hooks Green Herbs

Tanaman herba dan bijinya

Sangat banyak ragam kuliner dan tanaman obat herbal yang dipasok baik sebagai tanaman maupun biji. Bisnis cepat, tetapi pengiriman berjalan lancar sejauh ini. Pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan di atas £35.

07977 883810

[email protected]


Biji herbal

Pembibitan herbal spesialis dijalankan oleh GW reguler Jekka McVicar. Menawarkan sekitar 140 jenis tanaman obat dan kuliner yang berbeda sebagai benih, termasuk kit tumbuh lima bungkus benih herbal lengkap dengan kompos, label dan pot biodegradable. Anda juga dapat membeli tanaman dalam kotak tanaman herbal kuliner, dengan pilihan herbal musiman dalam pot 1ltr.

01454 418878

[email protected]

Taman Jemima

Herbal, bunga liar (biji)

Awalnya berbasis di Norfolk, pembibitan herbal dan bunga liar organik spesialis ini kini telah pindah ke Dumfries dan Galloway. Hanya benih, dalam kemasan bebas plastik, tersedia di toko online yang lengkap.

07802 480612

[email protected]

Pusat Tanaman Kebun Dapur


Berbagai macam herbal kuliner yang dipasok sebagai biji dan tanaman, terutama thyme kuat, oregano, mint, dan rosemary ditambah setengah hardies seperti lemon verbena, Semua tanaman ditanam organik dan bebas gambut, dan dikemas tanpa plastik.

07492 903325

[email protected]

Pembibitan Pepperpot


Berbagai macam herbal, semua tumbuh di luar di pembibitan tradisional Hampshire ini. Jamu kuliner berkisar dari rosemary, sage dan oregano hingga lavender dan mint; ada juga pilihan bunga dan daun salad yang bisa dimakan, serta stroberi.

Hubungi melalui formulir online

Spesialis Rosemary


Jika rosemary adalah pilihan Anda – ini adalah kamar bayi untuk Anda. Rumah bagi Koleksi Nasional Warisan Tumbuhan Salvia rosmarinus kultivar (rosemary) toko online menawarkan apa yang diyakini sebagai rangkaian tanaman rosemary terbesar untuk dijual di Inggris. Selain kultivar individu, Anda dapat membeli koleksi rosemary langka dan koleksi 'pilihan koki' untuk juru masak gourmet, disediakan sebagai tanaman 9cm dengan biaya pengiriman flat rate sebesar £6,50.

Hubungi melalui formulir online 

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman dalam ruangan (tanaman rumah)

Pabrik Udara Andy

Tanaman rumah

Perusahaan pesanan pos berbasis Cornwall yang menjual tanaman udara dan bromeliad pemenang penghargaan


[email protected]

Antara Dua Duri

Tanaman rumah

Toko tanaman rumah yang berbasis di Brighton. Mengirimkan berbagai tanaman hias yang selalu berubah secara nasional melalui toko online (pengiriman gratis untuk pesanan lebih dari £20), ditambah tanaman yang lebih besar dan terarium hanya untuk pengiriman lokal – kode pos yang tersedia tercantum di situs web.

01273 710853

Pembibitan Dibleys

Tanaman rumah

Pembibitan dan spesialis tanaman dalam ruangan yang berbasis di Wales Utara. Pemenang 30 Medali Emas Chelsea untuk streptocarpus, gesneriad, begonia, dan tanaman hias lainnya. Pengiriman Inggris gratis untuk sebagian besar koleksi tanaman, serba-serbi dan tanaman pot besar; tanaman steker berharga £6,80 P&P.

01978 790677

[email protected]

Craig House Cacti

Tanaman rumah

Kaktus dan sukulen pemenang penghargaan dari petani terhormat Stan Griffin dan Vicki Newman. Mereka tidak mengirimkan tanaman melalui pos, tetapi tersedia berbagai macam benih, ditambah pakan dan buklet budidaya.

07788 753215/07900 197461

Tanaman Karnivora Hampshire

Tanaman rumah

Tanaman karnivora pemenang medali emas Matt Soper akan akrab bagi pengunjung pameran bunga RHS:serta sarracenias, penangkap lalat Venus, nepenthes, dan sundew yang ia jual khusus untuk kompos dan serba-serbi taman.

07703 258296

Tanaman Harriet

Tanaman rumah

Bisnis tanaman hias Harriet tumbuh dari toko pop-up yang menjual di Cornwall:dia sekarang berbasis di Staffordshire tetapi masih menanam berbagai tanaman hias yang fantastis, semuanya ditanam di kompos bebas gambut dan tersedia melalui toko online-nya. Mereka secara berguna dikelompokkan di area rumah yang paling mereka sukai, mulai dari kamar mandi, cahaya terang, hingga tempat teduh.

07375 116067

[email protected]

Hijau Kecil

Tanaman rumah

Berbagai tanaman hias yang bagus dari bisnis keluarga yang berbasis di Bristol ini, semuanya ditanam di kompos bebas gambut. Hanya pengiriman lokal, dengan sepeda jika memungkinkan:ada daftar kode pos yang tersedia di situs web.

07449 724393

[email protected]

Anggrek McBean

Tanaman rumah

Anggrek kualitas luar biasa dari spesialis yang sudah lama berdiri dan beberapa pemenang medali RHS. McBeans mengambil jurusan anggrek Cymbidium dan Oncidium, dengan varietas baru dan lebih banyak anggrek spesialis ditambahkan ke situs web sepanjang tahun. Banyak varietas telah dibiakkan oleh pembibitan itu sendiri termasuk Oncidium 'McBean's Stephanie' dengan bunga putih bersih dengan semburat ungu.

01273 400228

[email protected]

Hanya Sukulen

Tanaman hias

Koleksi luas dari setiap jenis sukulen yang dapat Anda pikirkan (dan cukup banyak yang tidak dapat Anda pikirkan) untuk ditanam di dalam ruangan sebagai tanaman hias atau di luar ruangan (terkadang dengan perlindungan musim dingin). Di antara kisaran tersebut ada beberapa varietas yang dibesarkan di rumah termasuk merah anggur Aeonium 'Simply Scarlet' dan Sempervivum berujung ungu 'Simply Nightfall'.

07548 947357

[email protected]

Pembibitan Westdale

Tanaman konservatori

Pembibitan yang dikelola keluarga yang berbasis di Wiltshire dengan hasrat akan bugenvil, dengan lebih dari 200 varietas yang ditawarkan.

01225 863258

Tempat terbaik untuk membeli tanaman tahunan

Pembibitan Abriachan (Taman di Loch Ness)

Tanaman keras dan semak langka

Pembibitan keluarga di pantai Loch Ness, berspesialisasi dalam tanaman keras dan semak yang kuat, langka, dan tidak biasa. Pengiriman pesanan melalui pos tersedia di seluruh Inggris.

01463 861 232

[email protected]

Ashcroft's Tanaman Keras dan Rumput Hias

Tanaman keras, rumput

Spesialis pembibitan herba dan rumput hias yang berbasis di Lancashire. Menawarkan berbagai macam tanaman untuk pesanan melalui pos dalam ukuran hingga 3L. Pengiriman gratis untuk semua pesanan di atas £50.

07793 710 350

Pembibitan Ashwood

Tanaman keras, semak

Pembibitan tanaman tradisional yang terkenal dengan tanaman hellebore pemenang penghargaan, auricula primulas dan hepatica, saat ini ditawarkan dengan diskon 25% untuk varietas terpilih selama persediaan masih ada. Juga menjual serba-serbi berkebun, peralatan dan mail order peralatan lainnya. Namun, mereka mengalami volume pesanan yang sangat tinggi saat ini, jadi ada sedikit keterlambatan pada waktu pengiriman.

01384 401996

Pembibitan Barnsdale Gardens

Tanaman keras, mawar, semak

Bekas rumah Gardeners' World, kebun dan pembibitan yang berbasis di Rutland ini menyimpan tanaman keras, mawar, semak, umbi pot, bambu dan rumput, serta berbagai macam penstemon. Tanaman tiba melalui kurir dalam waktu 24 jam setelah pengiriman, dengan biaya tetap sebesar £12,50 (tidak termasuk Dataran Tinggi Skotlandia). Mereka juga menawarkan pengiriman gratis ke alamat dalam jarak 10 mil dari kamar bayi, ditambah layanan klik-dan-ambil:telepon atau email untuk detailnya.

[email protected]

01572 813200

Tanaman &Bibit Lebah Bahagia

Tanaman keras, herbal, bunga liar

Bee Happy Plants &Seeds yang berbasis di Lakehayes Organic Nursery di Somerset adalah perusahaan kecil nirlaba yang dikelola keluarga. Baik benih maupun tanaman tersedia dari toko online, semuanya ramah lebah dan ditanam dalam pot yang dapat terurai secara hayati dan dapat dibuat kompos.

01460 221815

Formulir kontak online

Tanaman Beekind

Tanaman keras, bunga liar, herbal, sayuran

Pembibitan Suffolk ini menumbuhkan berbagai macam tanaman ramah penyerbuk dalam pot yang dapat terurai secara hayati serta tanaman steker sayuran, salad, dan rempah-rempah. Pengiriman lokal hanya dalam jarak 15 mil dari kamar bayi, atau Anda dapat mengklik &mengambil…

[email protected]

Taman Beth Chatto

Tanaman keras, semak

Semak, tanaman keras, dan pohon pilihan yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan kondisi tempat mereka tumbuh paling baik, paling banyak diperbanyak dan dibesarkan di lokasi pembibitan. Waktu pengiriman saat ini berjalan hingga dua minggu.

01206 822007

[email protected]

Blackmore &Langdon's

Tanaman keras

Delphinium dan begonia pemenang penghargaan, dijual sebagai tanaman dan biji.

01275 332300

Kebun &Pembibitan Bluebell Cottage

Tanaman keras

Pembibitan berbasis di Cheshire yang dijalankan oleh mantan Tukang Kebun TV BBC Tahun Ini Sue Beesley, mengambil jurusan tanaman keras pilihan. Pembibitan ditutup tetapi pesanan melalui pos dan pengiriman tetap berjalan seperti biasa:layanan klik-dan-ambil juga tersedia untuk tukang kebun setempat.

01928 713718

Host Bowden

Tanaman keras

Rumah bagi National Hosta Collection dan veteran RHS Chelsea Flower Show – yang dijual saat ini adalah hostas spesimen dewasa yang akan dijual pada pertunjukan yang dibatalkan tahun ini. Demand has been high so some items are currently out of stock, but new plants are being added to the website all the time – including tree ferns and bamboos from mid-April.

01837 849367

Brookfield Plants

Perennials, trees

National Collection Holders of both hosta and daylilies (Hemerocallis ), and show regulars with more than 30 RHS gold medals. Free delivery on orders over £50.

01233 624934

Calamazag Nursery

Perennials, alpines, annuals, herbs, succulents

Every kind of pink and carnation from alpines and coastal thrifts to sweet williams, offered as collections – choose from alpine pinks, unusual species dianthus, or garden pinks. They also offer themed general plant collections, and a range of vegetable and herb plants.

07958 167096

[email protected]

Claire Austin Hardy Plants


Superb range of hardy herbaceous perennials with a particular flair for peonies and irises. Browse the website and you’ll also find Claire’s suggestions for themed ‘plant collections’ for (among others) shady borders, butterfly gardens, cut flower gardens and dry areas. High demand and Covid restrictions are causing delays in delivery times of up to three weeks.

01686 670342

Daisy Roots


Hardy, drought-tolerant perennials and grasses, raised outdoors on plantswoman Annie Godfrey’s Hertfordshire nursery.

07958 563355

[email protected]

Enchanted Gardens


Enchanted Gardens is a pollinator-friendly plant nursery based in Whitstable, Kent. The organic nursery is passionate about environmental protection and bio-diversity, specialising entirely in bee, butterfly, moth and bat-friendly plants. A large range of perennials ranging from 9cm to 3L pots are available, as well as a small selection of seeds, climbers and bulbs. Local customers can collect their orders from the nursery, those further afield can email their orders and a cost for delivery by courier will be established.

[email protected]

01227 266070

Floyds Climbers &Clematis

Climbers, clematis

A Wiltshire-based nursery specialising in the growing of climbers and clematis – with over 200 varieties stocked. ew clematis added this year include Clematis ladakhiana , with antique gold flowers, and darkest purple C. ‘Black Tibet’. Ship to anywhere in the UK, for a flat fee of £10 (up to 10 plants). Customers outside the UK or those wishing to make a larger order should use the contact form to enquire about shipping.

01249 782622

Hardys Cottage Garden Plants


Award-winning nursery offering a wide range of over 1000 choice perennials, most raised on site and grown in peat-free compost. Orders are currently taking up to two weeks to deliver.

[email protected]

Hare Spring Cottage Plants


Specialist grower and National Collection Holder of Camassia, Sidalcea and Uvularia, plus other hardy perennials, grown on site in North Yorkshire.

[email protected]

07792 376805



New Forest based specialist growers of heuchera, herucherella and tiarella. They run a busy online shop and have recently restocked again after a particularly hectic start to the year – so many popular varieties are now back on the virtual shelves. Delivery is currently taking about two weeks. There’s also a click-and-collect service for local customers.

01590 670581 /07973 291062

Hillview Hardy Plants


A wide range of cottage garden perennials are available mail order from this Shropshire nursery, with auricula primulas looking particularly good right now (the nursery is home to two Plant Heritage National Collections of auricula). Among those featured for this year are Primula auricula ‘Khaki’ mottled in dusty pink and green, and ‘Königin der Nacht’ striped in purple and white.

01746 716454

[email protected]

John Cullen Gardens

Perennials, shrubs, trees

Lovely range of bee-friendly perennials and scented plants, with an especially good selection of 70 different varieties of Achillea from the Plant Heritage National Collection held at this Lincolnshire nursery. Postage is charged at a flat rate of £9 for plants (£2.75 for seeds and bulbs).

01205 460567

Knoll Gardens


Owner Neil Lucas is one of the country’s leading authorities on all kinds of ornamental grasses and his Dorset nursery is a regular medal-winner at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. At the moment, reduced staffing levels due to Covid plus unprecedented demand mean a wait of about two weeks for despatching online orders. There’s also a click-and-collect service for local gardeners.

Long Acre Plants

Perennials for shade

A plant lover’s nursery tucked into the corner between Somerset, Dorset and Wiltshire. The online nursery is packed with an extremely wide selection of plants which grow best in shady places, all grown in peat-free compost. Particularly good range of grasses for shade, and hardy ferns:new additions this year include graceful and upright-growing fern Polypodium calirhiza ‘Sarah Lyman’, from California.

[email protected]

01963 32802

Mandy Plants

Tender perennials

You’ll find some real beauties for greenhouses and conservatories at this North Norfolk nursery, not least a fine collection of tender and exotic-looking climber Mandevilla. For sunny patios, Senetti are looking good right now, with nemesia and abutilons arriving over the next couple of weeks. Other glamourpusses on sale in the online shop include Tibouchina, Abutilon, Lantana and Nemesia. All prices are inclusive of postage and packing.

07432 112245

Meadowgate Nursery


Fine range of ornamental grasses from this family-run specialist nursery near Chichester in West Sussex. Business this spring has been brisk and stock is running a little low, but there are still some choice selections available if you’re quick:they include evergreen Carex grayi , with mace-like seed heads, and green-and-white striped Briza media ‘Russells’.

01243 641997

[email protected]

Mickfield Hostas


Mickfield is home to an enormous Plant Heritage National Plant Collection of Hosta, built up over the last 40 years, and they offer over half the varieties for sale online, adding to their extensive online catalogue. Orders are taken via email or phone, and there’s also a click-and-collect service for local customers.

01449 711576

[email protected]

Middleton Nurseries


Staffordshire-based salvia specialists, with dozens of different varieties on offer, as well as other herbaceous perennials. Currently taking orders for delivery in May, with a special offer of free delivery for orders over £35.

Contact via online form

0121 308 4077

Paddock Plants

Perennials, shrubs, grasses

A family-run nursery based near Southampton in Hampshire and specialist growers of abutilon and echinacea. Offering an interesting range of perennials, grasses, ferns and shrubs, plus a selection of indoor plants, with 40 new varieties added for the 2021 season. Plants are grown peat-free and without chemicals and are delivered – in 99 per cent plastic-free packaging – by 24-hour courier throughout mainland UK. There’s also a click-and-collect services for local gardeners.

02380 739 912

Penlan Perennials

Perennials, bog plants, grasses

A small, family-run nursery based in West Wales, offering perennials (grown organically and peat-free) for mail order. Specialises in bog plants, shade-loving plants, hardy geraniums, cottage garden plants and more. Currently offering free postage for orders of Arisaema tubers; there’s also a click and collect service from the nursery.

01570 480097



All kinds of heuchera for sale online, including home-bred varieties like ‘Thomas’, plus heucherella and tiarella (the nursery holds Plant Heritage National Collections for all three plants). Many other hardy perennials also available. Offers starter packs of six mixed heuchera, heucherella and tiarella, as well as some older heritage varieties from the National Collections.

01270 820335

Contact via online form

The Plantsman’s Preference


Choice plants for herbaceous borders; as well as a comprehensive list of their full, mouthwatering catalogue there’s a helpfully simplified section of the website dedicated to reliable plants for beginners, selected for their good looks and easy-grow nature. New treasures for this year’s catalogue include diminutive wake robin Trillium viridescens , with patterned leaves and apple-green flowers, and Teucrium scorodonia ‘Crispum Marginatum’ with ruffled leaves, much loved by flower arrangers.

01379 710810

Primrose Hall Peonies


RHS Chelsea Gold Medal award-winning growers of peonies. Based in Bedfordshire, they grow and supply one of the widest selections of rare and unusual peony varieties in the UK, and are holders of the National Plant Collection for Intersectional ‘Itoh’ peonies. All plants are grown in peat-free compost.

01525 878924

[email protected]

PriorsWood Clematis

Clematis, climbers

Specialist growers of clematis and other climbing plants, based in Hertfordshire. Offer a year round mail order service, suppling plants in 2-3L pots. Orders can be made by phone or email.

01920 461543

[email protected]

Seagate Nurseries


Family-run Lincolnshire nursery specialising in bearded iris, with a fabulous array of hundreds of varieties available to buy bare root from August onwards. In recent years owners Chris and Kate have been expanding the range to include an ever-increasing selection of choice perennials, all grown peat-free. There’s also a click-and-collect service available from the nursery.

[email protected]

01406 364028

Special Plants Nursery


Derry Watkin’s much admired nursery near Bath is full of hand-picked hardy perennials and tender exotics for conservatories and sunny patios. She sells mainly seed, but an increasingly wide selection of varieties is also available as young plants, plugs and both unrooted and rooted cuttings. Mail order is running well but Derry warns post can be ‘very erratic’ at the moment – so advises allowing two to three weeks for delivery.

01225 891686

Stonyford Cottage Gardens Nursery

Herbaceous perennials, shrubs

A family-run nursery based in Cheshire and specialist growers of herbaceous perennials and shrubs for over 25 years. Bedding plants are now on sale, with free shipping for orders over £50. A click-and-collect service is also available from the nursery, as well as local delivery.

01606 888970

[email protected]

Swinesmeadow Farm

Perennials, shrubs, trees

Unusual and rare evergreen and herbaceous perennials, grasses, ferns and conifers. You can buy most items mail order, but there are some particularly large or delicate specimens only available click and collect or as home delivery for local gardeners.

07432 627766

Taylors Clematis


This award-winning clematis specialist, based in Doncaster, south Yorkshire, has been a much-decorated regular at the shows for almost 30 years. They run a well established mail order service, selling garden-ready plants in 2 litre pots:order five or more plants and you get a price discount. New for 2021 is long-flowering ‘Duchess of Cornwall, growing 1.5m tall with royal purple flowers.

Contact via online form

01302 700716

Thorncroft Clematis


Superb range of mature, garden-ready clematis from an award-winning family-run nursery and Chelsea regular, as well as useful companion climbers to grow alongside. Demand has been exceptionally high this spring so there’s currently a five-day delay in order despatch.

01953 850407

[email protected]

Tinnisburn Plants

Perennials, climbers, shrubs, trees

A small, family run nursery situated 600ft above sea level in Dumfries and Galloway, Scotland. Delivering across the UK, browse collections of trees, shrubs, herbaceous perennials, ferns, hostas, alpines, bulbs and more. Free delivery on plant orders over £50. There’s also a click-and-collect service from the nursery.

013873 71453

Tissington Nursery

Perennials, herbs, vegetables

A small, family run nursery run from the walled kitchen garden at the Tissington Estate, nestled into the hills of the Peak District National Park. On offer via the online shop are a lovely selection of Victorian violas as well as other hardy perennials, plus edible plants including herbs and vegetable plug plants (available to pre-order for delivery from May). All plants are raised in peat-free compost.

01335 390650

[email protected]

Viv Marsh Postal Plants

Alstroemeria, iris

Family-run nursery, based in Shropshire and established over 30 years ago. Holders of the Plant Heritage National Collection of Garden Alstroemeria, and specialist growers of tall bearded iris. Alstroemeria are despatched in 1.5L potted plants, tall bearded iris are despatched as large divisions, ready to plant straight outside. If you’re quick you might qualify for their early bird offer:all Alstroemeria orders received by 30th April come with an extra plant, chosen by the nursery, for free.

01939 291 475

[email protected]

Westcountry Nurseries

Lupins, perennials, clematis, trees, shrubs

Holders of the National Collection of Lupins and four-time RHS Chelsea Gold Medal winning exhibitor, this Devonshire based plant nursery stocks a large plant range including its award-winning lupins.

[email protected]

01237 431111

Best places to buy Rose plants

Apuldram Roses


A small West Sussex specialist rose nursery, stocking a huge range of hybrid tea, shrub, climbing, rambling, patio and ground cover potted roses. Bare-root available Nov-Mar. Potted roses are delivered throughout the year by courier 24-48 hour service – charges listed on website.

01243 785769

David Austin Roses


Legendary among rose breeders, the late, great David Austin OBE invented the modern English Rose and the company he founded sells the complete range, plus a selection of old and species roses. The bare root season finishes by the end of April, and stocks are now running very low of most varieties. However from early summer, as new stock becomes available, you should be able to buy potted roses as normal via the online shop.

[email protected]

0800 111 4699

Peter Beales Roses

Roses, perennials, climbers, shrubs

Peter Beales is best known for its exceptional collection of old classic shrub and climbing roses, as well as modern and species roses. The bare root season runs from November to March, with orders being taken from April. Container roses are in stock all year round. They also have a wide range of garden plants online, to complement your roses.

[email protected]

01953 454707

Harkness Roses


Harkness has its roots in Yorkshire, and once supplied Queen Victoria. About 80 years ago they moved operations to Hertfordshire where they’re still breeding roses today. This year’s star new release is the England Rugby rose – a deep red (of course) hybrid tea released just in time to celebrate the 150th anniversary of English rugby.

[email protected]

01462 420402

Style Roses


A modern family nursery, all roses are grown in the Lincolnshire based nursery and surrounding fields. Potted roses now available to order online but the nursery is warning orders are taking longer to process. There’s also a click-and-collect service available.

01406 424089

Best places to buy Shrubs and trees

Ashridge Nursery

Trees, bulbs, perennials, climbers, vegetable plug plants

Online garden centre best known for its excellent range of trees, though it does sell all sorts of other plants plus garden sundries. Based in Somerset, it supplies standard ornamental trees (available only during the bareroot season from November to March) plus fruit trees and hedging bareroot or potted. Deliveries are running as normal.

Contact via online form

Chew Valley Trees

Trees, shrubs

British-grown trees from this Bristol nursery, which raises all its stock on site including trees, shrubs, hedging and fruit trees. Look out for regular special offers, with up to 35% off individual tree specimens. Most are supplied bare root from November to March, and all stock is available in containers year-round. The nursery delivers plants itself, and despatch is currently about four weeks from ordering (shorter for local postcodes).

01275 333752

[email protected]

Hedges Online

Hedges, trees, shrubs

C.G.J.Mathias &Son (Nurseries) are a third generation family nursery based in Tilford nr Farnham, Surrey and have been growing hedge plants for over 50 years. They specialise in the production of all varieties and sizes of hedging plants, with a particular focus on the larger sizes of hedging, but also grow and supply a range of trees, shrubs, topiary and pleached hedging. Shipping available across the UK, or you can collect from the nursery by prior arrangement.

01252 714552

[email protected]

Hippopottering Nursery


Very fine range of Japanese maples grown outdoors on this award-winning Yorkshire nursery and supplied in one or two litre pots as well as larger ‘instant impact’ trees.

07979 764677

[email protected]


Trees, shrubs, ferns, climbers, perennials

Traditional nursery based in Gloucestershire, specialising in British grown rare and unusual trees, shrubs and ferns grown in peat-free compost. Most of the stock is raised on site, Look through the online catalogue, then download and complete the mail order form. You can also collect in person by prior arrangement.

[email protected]

07973 331142

The Norfolk Olive Tree Company

Trees, palms,

An award-winning supplier of olive trees and Medditerranean plants, stocking a large range, of young, mature and ancient olive trees. The company works closely with DEFRA to import its trees, following stringent guidelines with regular APHA inspections. Orders can be placed via the website or telephone, with plants delivered by courier:deliveries are taking a little longer at the moment, with a wait time of about three weeks.

07766 730893

[email protected]

Paramount Plants &Gardens

Trees, shrubs, perennials

A North-London based plant centre and online plant nursery specialising in mature specimen trees and shrubs, with advice available for suitable trees for your garden. Fully mature hardy plants including trees, large shrubs, bamboos, topiary, acers, ferns, palms, climbers, grasses perennials and evergreen screening trees available. Deliveries available across the UK, please see website for details.

Contact by email only:[email protected]

Todds Botanics

Shrubs, trees

Award-winning nursery supplying certified disease-free olive trees, plus a wide range of shrubs, bamboos, tree ferns, herbaceous perennials and summer bulbs.

01376 561212

Best places to buy Fruit and veg plants

Blackmoor Nurseries


Wide range of fruit trees, plus asparagus crowns, grapes and ornamental trees. After a hectic start to the year staff have now largely caught up and orders are usually despatched within five days. You can also collect from the nursery.

01420 477978

[email protected]

Cross Common Nursery

Fruit, climbers, exotics

Based on the southernmost tip of Cornwall, supplying all kinds of citrus trees as well as passion flowers, unusual and exotic plants. Deliveries are running smoothly but there’s a delay of about a week.

01326 290722

[email protected]

Delfland Nurseries

Vegetable plug plants

Good range of pre-grown organic vegetable plug plants, but the company has received an unprecedented number of orders this spring so some varieties are no longer available – check the website for details. There is still a good choice, however, and you can pre-order for May.

01354 740553

Otter Farm

Vegetables, seeds

Otter Farm has become known for growing really unusual fruit and vegetables that push the boundaries of hardiness and introduce us to new flavours. Among the more commonly grown vegetable seeds they offer mail order there are some really interesting edibles to try at home, from earth chestnuts to Chinese artichokes, though stocks of plants and tubers are running quite low at the moment.

Pennard Plants

Vegetables, seeds

Extraordinary range of heritage and unusual vegetable seeds and some plants raised peat-free in a Victorian walled garden in East Pennard, Somerset. Unprecedented demand once again this spring coupled with reduced staffing due to coronavirus has meant the range is currently somewhat limited, though you can still buy seeds plus seed potatoes, onion sets, shallots, asparagus crowns and strawberries.

01749 860039

[email protected]


Fruit, shrubs, herbs

Fruit trees are the main focus for this East Sussex nursery, with a wide range on offer from apples and pears to blueberries, gooseberries and cherries. You can also buy citrus, grapevines and herbs as well as flowering shrubs for the garden. Free delivery for orders over £50.

01825 721162

Real Seeds

Vegetable seeds

Very high demand and staffing problems due to Covid mean this popular nursery for open-pollinated veg seeds has been forced to set a weekly limit for orders:the online shop opens at the start of each week, then closes once the limit has been reached. Some more popular varieties are also in short supply, and delivery is taking up to three weeks.

01239 821107

[email protected]

Robinsons &Sons

Vegetable seeds

One of Britain’s longest-established family-run vegetable and fruit seed nurseries, now on its fifth generation of Robinsons, and masters of the giant vegetable display at summer and autumn shows. There’s a huge range of vegetable seeds available on the website including some fun varieties to try like luffa and amaranth.

01524 791210

[email protected]

Rocket Gardens

Vegetable plug plants

Extensive range of vegetable plug plants, despatched from May onwards. You can buy collections, or an entire veg garden’s worth of plants at once.

Contact via online form

Victoriana Nursery

Vegetables and fruit (seeds and plants)

Fruit, vegetables and herbs as seed and young plants, despatched by mail order from this popular Kent nursery (there’s also a contactless collection service from the nursery for local customers).

01233 740529

Best places to buy Compost


Peat-reduced and peat-free compost

Own-brand GoodHome potting composts are now completely peat-free, and you can also order garden sundries online and for contactless click and collect.

Carbon Gold

Peat-free compost

Peat free composts enriched with biochar, available in several different blends including seed compost. Slow-release fertiliser also available.

0117 244 0032

Compost Direct

Soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Soil improver, topsoil and bark mulch in bulk bags only (delivery is included in the price). Despatch times are currently running at about a week.

[email protected]

CPA Horticulture

Potting compost, topsoil, soil improver, mulch

Based in Carmarthenshire, Wales, but with depots across the UK, supplying a good range of potting composts plus soil improver, mushroom compost and bark mulch. Most products are available in either bulk bags or small bags, with the exception of manure and multipurpose compost which is only currently available in bulk bags.

01994 231121


Peat-free compost

Peat free composts based on wool and bracken farmed on site in Cumbria. Available in multipurpose, seed and vegetable blends, plus a new range with added comfrey. Delivery is within 10 working days of order.

01931 713281

[email protected]

Dandy’s Landscaping Supplies

Potting compost, soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Good stock levels with potting compost available in small bags (minimum order 10 bags) and bulk bags, as well as mushroom compost, mulches and bespoke blends of topsoil.

01244 280008

[email protected]

Earth Cycle

Soil improvers, topsoil, mulch

Based in Chichester, West Sussex, but delivering peat-free soil improvers, topsoils and mulches nationwide (no potting composts available). Delivery is in bulk bags only.

[email protected]

01243 781730

Fertile Fibre

Potting composts, soil improver, mulch

Peat-free, biodynamic and vegan compost available by the bag or as bulk bags. Prices start at £24 for a 60l bag of multipurpose compost (less for bulk loads).

01432 853111

Field Compost

Potting composts, soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Family-run compost and garden supplies company based in Cambridgeshire but delivering nationwide. Good range of peat-free soil improvers, mulches and manure available in small bags or as bulk bags (minimum order 5 x 40l sacks, with prices decreasing the more you order). Demand has been exceptionally high, so orders face delays of about three weeks before delivery.

[email protected]

The Garden Superstore

Potting composts, mulch

Good stocks of potting and specialist composts as well as bark mulches. Minimum order of £50 and delivery takes about 3-5 working days, though this occasionally varies so check the website for updates.

[email protected]

01903 258200

Garden Topsoil Direct

Soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Northamptonshire-based online supplier, delivering nationwide. No potting composts, but an extensive range of topsoils, soil conditioners and bark mulches, all supplied in bulk bags or smaller 50l sacks (minimum orders apply). Delivery is currently 2-3 working days.

[email protected]

Hickman Brothers’ Landscapes

Potting compost, soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Oxfordshire based landscaping supplier with an online shop selling garden supplies, including potting compost, soil improvers, topsoil and mulches. Prices start at £6.50 for a 70 litre bag of multipurpose compost.

01993 822226

London Lawn Turf Company Ltd

Soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Sister company to the London Topsoil Company, but offering potting compost in 60l bags (prices start at £7.51) as well as bulk bag deliveries of soil improvers, topsoil and bark mulches. Delivery to London and the South East only, normally within 5-7 working days but Covid means delays are likely.

01959 897603

Mole Valley

Potting compost, soil improver, mulch

Mole Valley Farmers has several branches across the UK supplying bags of multipurpose compost, soil improvers and bark mulches. You can arrange home delivery, or arrange click-and-collect pick up at your nearest store (with a day or two’s notice). Multibuy deals are available on all brands of multipurpose compost.

01769 576419

Mr Muck’s Garden Supplies

Soil improver, mulch

Small family-run company with depots in Yorkshire, the Midlands and Lancashire with plenty of stock of soil improvers – mainly mushroom compost and farmyard manure, delivered in conveniently sized 40-70 litre sacks. Minimum order 20 sacks.

01302 358158

Natural Grower

Organic, chemical-free liquid fertiliser and soil conditioner with free delivery on orders over £30.

0333 800 5450

[email protected]

New Leaf Compost

Peat-free, organic compost

Based in Belfast, New Leaf Compost produces 100 per cent organic, peat-free, premium compost. Produced locally in Northern Ireland from sustainable materials and shipped across the UK and Ireland, New Leaf Compost’s eco-friendly compost is available to buy in both 20L and 40L bags, from £13.99. Special discounted composts are also currently available. Though deliveries are going ahead as usual, the company warns their usual one week turnaround may take longer due to Covid.

02890 613547

Online Soil

Soil improver, topsoil

Lancashire-based online compost delivery company, providing screened topsoil and soil improver in bulk bags as well as turf. Deliveries are currently running smoothly at 1-2 working days.

01695 422144

Quality Garden Supplies

Potting composts, soil improver, mulch

Range of potting composts from Bord na Mona with topsoil, soil improvers and bark mulches too. Minimum order 5 x 50 litre bags, with prices starting at £15.75 for a 50l bag (including delivery) though ordering 20 bags reduces that to £5.90 a bag. Delivery is currently running at about 5 working days.

0871 9710988

Valley Contractors

Soil improver, topsoil, mulch

Based in Birmingham, but delivers topsoil, soil improvers and mulch across the country with next-day delivery available for orders before 10.30am. All sales are in bulk bags.

0121 474 3506


Potting compost

Stores are open with strict social distancing protocols in action, or you can use the click and collect service. Deliveries are also available. Good range of potting composts available including peat-free and ericaceous composts.

Yorkshire Trading

Potting compost, soil improver, topsoil

Good range of potting composts, soil improvers and topsoil, with potting composts available in small (10-50 ltr) bags. Deliveries are running as normal.

01377 337150

Best places to buy Gardening kit and sundries

Green Gardener

Pots, wormeries, irrigation, pest control

Eco-friendly gardening supplies from biodegradable pots to biological pest controls including nematodes for use outside and under cover. Also supplies irrigation equipment, wormeries and raised bed kits.

01493 750061

Greenhouses Direct

Greenhouses, accessories, raised beds

The company’s own brand Rhino greenhouses and aluminium raised beds are manufactured and sold from a purpose-built factory in Norfolk, and come with a 25-year guarantee. Delivery across mainland UK is free on all Rhino greenhouses and accessories as part of the same order. Other greenhouse brands in a range of sizes are also stocked.

[email protected]

The Greenhouse People

Greenhouses, barbecues, sundries

Aluminium and wooden greenhouses, plus summerhouses, barbecues, outdoor ovens and all accessories available for home delivery. Deliveries are currently running as normal.

01782 385400

Harrod Horticultural

General gardening equipment

Everything you could possibly need for the garden, from large structures like fruit cages, arches and obelisks to raised bed kits, planters, tools, pots and labels. They’re currently experiencing unprecedented demand, though, so despatch is taking longer than normal – at least two and sometimes three weeks from ordering. Raised beds are currently unavailable, and you’ll have to wait up to 14 weeks for larger products like greenhouses and garden furniture.

0333 400 6400

Labels N Things

Labels, plant supports

Every possible type of plant label in wood, copper and aluminium as well as plastic. Also sells a range of plant supports and protective disposable latex gloves for use in the garden. They normally send out orders on the same day but warn that due to the pandemic, delivery may take a few days longer.

01527 557990


Pots, planters, garden furniture and garden structures. High demand has meant a major backlog built up over spring, with most lines sold out, but they are now catching up and restocking – so though delivery may still take a little longer, service should return to something more like normal.

[email protected]

Marshalls Garden

Seeds, compost, general gardening equipment

Seed merchants Marshalls have now expanded their range massively and sell a wide range of gardening sundries as well, ranging from bird food to tools, greenhouse accessories and hanging baskets, and – occasionally – compost. Fresh stock is arriving daily. Stock levels are good, but there’s currently a three-week delay on despatch times with plants sent out in strict order of availability – see website for exact delivery dates.

0844 557 6700

Two Wests &Elliot

Pots, greenhouse supplies, general gardening equipment

Best known for its encyclopaedic range of greenhouse and polytunnel accessories, but also supplying pots, labels, planters, netting and all the equipment you need for day-to-day gardening. Despatch is currently slower than normal due to staff shortages, with a delay of approximately four weeks.

01246 451077

Want to add your UK mail order plant business to this list? If you have stocks available for delivery please drop us a line.

Similarly, if you find that any information in this feature is out of date please let us know.

Offers from

If you’re not able get out to the garden centre or local nursery you can still buy plants online, plus everything else you need for your garden. Here’s a list of the online plant retailers and specialist nurseries who we work with to bring you great offers and discounts (and Subscriber Club members can save 10 per cent with our partners here).

Bloom &Wild – A fresh flower letterbox delivery company, plus hand-tied bouquets. Subscriber Club 10 per cent discount code currently suspended with this supplier.

Blooming Direct – Lincolnshire-based nursery. General suppliers of bulbs, garden-ready plants, trees, including large fruit tree range, gardening supplies and more.

Crocus – Surrey-based nursery launched in 2000. Offering the biggest selection of plants in the UK, offering over 4,000 varieties, from bulbs to trees. Subscriber Club 10 per cent discount code currently suspended with this supplier.

Dobies – In addition to seeds, they offer a large range of young annual plants plus bulbs, fruit and garden equipment.

Farmer Gracy  – Suppliers of high-quality flower bulbs, including unique varieties, as well as the usual favourites.

GardenBird – One of the UK’s largest specialist suppliers of wild bird-related products, by mail order.

Happy Beaks – A supplier of bird seed mixes, feed bundles, feeders and accessories.

Harrod Horticultural – A specialist in the design and manufacture of structures for kitchen and ornamental gardens, plus a veg crop range, as well as garden equipment and an outdoor living range.

Hayloft – Supplier of annuals, perennials and shrubs, with a focus on rare and unusual varieties.

J. Parkers – Suppliers of a broad range of plants, bulbs and shrubs, including fruit and veg crops.

Love Garden Birds – Based in West Yorkshire, this company supplies bird seed mixes, seeds, suets, feeders and wildlife gardening accessories.

Marshalls – ‘For Kitchen Gardens:The Fruit &Vegetable Company’ The company has a new website, now the new home of Marshalls Seeds, Unwins and Birds &Bees.

Mr Fothergill’s – A provider of flower and vegetable seed as well as young plants, potatoes, onions, garlic, shallots, vegetable plants, soft fruit and fruit trees.

National Bee Supplies – A specialist provider of handmade beehives and beekeeping supplies.

The Organic Gardening Catalogue – Dedicated to promoting organic growing for more than 50 years. The online shop stocks a broad range of seeds, plants, fertilisers, composts, pest controls, weed controls, tools and other gardening supplies.

Pomona Fruits – Garden fruit specialists

Rolawn – A turf grower and supplier, providing a range of topsoil and compost products.

Sarah Raven – Provides a comprehensive range of seeds, seedlings, plants, and gardening and floristry kit.

Suttons – With over 200 years of gardening experience supplying, seeds, young plants, fruit bushes, vegetables and much more to novice gardeners and seasoned professionals alike.

Thompson &Morgan – One of the UK’s largest mail order seed and plant suppliers. Its product range includes a seed collection, young plants, fruit and veg crops, bulbs, seeds as well as an extensive range of gardening supplies.

Unwins – Now part of the new Marshalls website.

Van Meuwen – First established as a producer of tulip and daffodil bulbs in 1973. Today, it’s a horticultural mail order specialist.

Waltons – Designers and manufacturers of garden sheds, log cabins, summerhouses and playhouses. The brand was established in 1878.

Wiggly Wigglers – An award-winning natural gardening supplies company. Range includes British-grown birdseed and feed, composting supplies, live and dried worms, wildflower plants and more.

Woolmans – Chrysanthemum specialists, supplier of top-quality chrysanthemum plants for cut flower, garden or show. Also offering a wide range of dahlias and carnations as well as young plants for bedding, borders and containers.

BBC Gardeners’ World Magazine subscriber? Access your exclusive supplier discounts here.

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