Yang Akan Anda Pelajari:
- Apa Itu Zona Tanam?
- Di Zona Tanam Mana Saya?
- Apa itu Ketahanan Tanaman?
- Penguraian Zona Ketahanan Tanaman
Apa Itu Zona Tanam?
Zona penanaman adalah area yang dapat Anda temukan di peta zona tumbuh yang menunjukkan dengan tepat tanaman mana yang paling cocok untuk tumbuh subur di area atau zona Anda. Saat berbelanja tanaman baru untuk lanskap taman Anda, istilah "zona tahan banting tanaman", "zona tumbuh" dan "zona tanam" pada awalnya mungkin tampak agak membingungkan. Intinya, zona tahan banting tanaman telah digunakan oleh petani selama bertahun-tahun untuk sekadar mengidentifikasi tanaman yang paling mungkin bertahan musim dingin di daerah mereka. Mampu memahami peta zona tahan banting berarti Anda akan memiliki titik awal untuk membuat keputusan penanaman yang bijaksana.
Kisaran Suhu untuk Zona Penanaman
Zona penanaman dipecah menjadi tiga belas area, juga dikenal sebagai zona USDA, yang mencakup seluruh Amerika Serikat, termasuk Hawaii, Alaska, dan Puerto Rico. Setiap zona pertanian mencakup kisaran 10 derajat. Zona 1 adalah yang terdingin, dengan suhu musim dingin minimum rata-rata -60 hingga -50 derajat F, sedangkan suhu rata-rata musim dingin minimum di Zona 13 adalah 60 hingga 70 derajat F.
Di Zona Tanam Apa Saya?
Memahami zona berkebun berarti Anda dapat memfokuskan waktu dan perhatian Anda (belum lagi uang) pada tanaman dengan peluang terbaik untuk bertahan hidup di musim dingin. Peta Zona Penanaman A.S. Interaktif Gilmour untuk tahun 2019 menggabungkan data dari USDA dengan informasi geografis tertentu untuk memberikan gambaran lengkap tentang area Anda yang sedang berkembang. Masing-masing dari 13 zona pada peta zona tanam interaktif kami dipecah menjadi dua bagian untuk memberikan peningkatan 5 derajat di setiap zona. Dengan menanyakan zona apa saya berada dan menggunakan peta zona pertumbuhan interaktif seperti milik kami, Anda mungkin akan terkejut, akhirnya menemukan bahwa Anda dapat menanam banyak tanaman yang mungkin tidak Anda pertimbangkan!
Alih-alih hanya berasumsi Anda berada di zona tertentu dan berpikir Anda sudah tahu apa yang tumbuh paling baik, klik metro utama di dekat Anda untuk melihat informasi terperinci yang spesifik untuk area Anda. Zona individu tidak lagi sekadar band yang melintasi negara. Bagian terperinci sekarang didasarkan pada banyak faktor.
Klik pada negara bagian Anda untuk mengungkapkan gambaran umum dasar, termasuk bunga negara bagian, daftar area metro utama, zona berkebun, dan gambaran umum tentang iklim. Dengan mengklik area metro terdekat, Anda akan menemukan informasi yang lebih detail untuk membantu membuat keputusan berkebun.
Di tingkat metro, Anda akan dapat mengakses:
Apa itu Plant Hardiness?
Ketahanan tanaman adalah kemampuan tanaman untuk bertahan hidup pada iklim pertumbuhan yang merugikan seperti kekeringan, banjir, panas dan dingin. Ilmu di balik ketahanan tanaman bisa jadi rumit. Genetika tanaman menentukan kemampuan tanaman untuk menahan suhu dingin tanpa kerusakan. Setiap kultivar tanaman mungkin memiliki tingkat ketahanan yang berbeda berdasarkan adaptasi dan genetika mereka. Bahkan bagian tanaman yang berbeda mungkin kuat dengan cara yang berbeda. Misalnya, dingin dapat menyebabkan abadi kesayangan Anda mati; namun, akarnya mungkin cukup kuat untuk membawa pertumbuhan baru di musim semi.
Banyak tanaman membutuhkan lingkungan tumbuh yang sangat spesifik untuk berkembang. Anda dapat menyesuaikan banyak hal, seperti jenis tanah, tingkat kelembapan, dan jumlah sinar matahari di kebun Anda, tetapi suhu bisa jadi sulit dikendalikan. Memilih tanaman dengan tingkat ketahanan yang sesuai dengan zona penanaman tertentu memberi Anda peluang terbaik untuk sukses berkebun dan pertamanan.
Penguraian Zona Ketahanan Tanaman
Dalam istilah yang paling sederhana, zona tahan banting USDA menjaga petani di Alaska dari membuat kesalahan dengan menanam pohon persik. Memahami zona tahan banting tanaman yang berbeda memberi Anda kemampuan untuk mempersempit pilihan berkebun Anda. Perlu diingat, ketika tanaman kuat untuk zona tertentu, biasanya akan berkinerja baik di nomor zona mana pun yang lebih tinggi juga. Misalnya, sebagian besar tanaman yang tahan terhadap Zona 3 akan berkinerja baik di Zona 7, selama persyaratan pabrik lainnya terpenuhi. Gunakan informasi tentang zona tumbuh individu sebagai titik awal untuk merencanakan apa yang akan ditanam di kebun Anda. Gulir untuk membaca lebih lanjut tentang setiap zona penanaman tahan banting atau lompat langsung ke zona Anda menggunakan tautan di bawah ini:
Zona 1 | Zona 2 | Zona 3 | Zona 4 | Zona 5 | Zona 6 | Zona 7 | Zona 8 | Zona 9 | Zona 10 | Zona 11 | Zona 12
Zona Penanaman 1
USDA Plant Hardiness Zone 1 adalah sebutan zona terdingin untuk Amerika Serikat. Dengan suhu rata-rata minimum antara -60 hingga -50 derajat F, ini bisa menjadi zona yang sulit untuk berkebun. Mayoritas Zona 1 terletak di Alaska. Lingkungan tundra ini sangat keras dan tanaman harus memiliki ketahanan dingin yang ekstrim dan toleransi kekeringan.
Suhu di Zona 1
Zona 1 dapat mengharapkan suhu rata-rata minimum -60 hingga -50 derajat F
Zona 1a memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -60 hingga -55 derajat F
Zona 1b memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -55 hingga -50 derajat F
Masing-masing dari dua subzona dapat mengalami suhu yang lebih keras tergantung pada kondisi cuaca.
Tanaman Apa yang Dapat Saya Tumbuhkan di Zona 1?
Menanam di Zona 1 bisa sangat menantang. Tanaman yang mampu menahan tundra jarang terjadi. Tanaman asli telah beradaptasi dengan daerah tersebut, jadi masuk akal jika mereka adalah pilihan yang alami dan sangat baik. Semusim juga merupakan pilihan yang populer, karena mereka tidak perlu bertahan hidup di musim dingin. Meskipun relatif sedikit tanaman keras non-asli yang cocok untuk Zona 1, beberapa dapat ditanam dengan penanaman dan perawatan yang tepat.
Sayuran untuk Tumbuh di Zona 1
Karena sebagian besar sayuran ditanam sebagai tanaman semusim, Anda tidak perlu mempertimbangkan ketahanan dingin sayuran sebanyak panjang musim tanam. Memberi tanaman lebih dulu di dalam ruangan atau di rumah kaca biasanya menghasilkan kesuksesan yang lebih baik untuk sayuran Zona 1.
Sayuran Zona 1 yang populer meliputi:
- Kacang
- Brokoli
- Kubis
- Kale
- Selada
- Kentang
- Lobak
- Bayam
- Kacang Manis
- Tomat
Pohon Buah Tumbuh di Zona 1
Sangat sedikit pohon buah-buahan yang cukup kuat untuk bertahan dari dinginnya Zona 1. Namun, dengan kondisi yang tepat, berikut ini mungkin dapat berkembang:
- Cokcherry
- Apel akhir
- Apel Fort Mac Mac
- Haskap
- Apel Ruby bulan September
Herbal untuk Tumbuh di Zona 1
Hampir semua herba dapat ditanam sebagai tanaman tahunan di Zona 1. Pertimbangkan untuk menanamnya sebagai herba tahunan:
- Kemangi
- Kucai
- Mint
- Oregano
- Rosemary
- Timi
Bunga Tumbuh di Zona 1
Bunga untuk Zona 1 harus tahan kekeringan dan sangat tahan dingin. Pilihan yang berkembang paling populer meliputi:
- Panah
- Delphinium
- Batang Emas
- Bunga matahari
- Bunga Lili Lembah
- Aster Mata Lembu
- Yarrow
Zona Penanaman 2
Terletak di Alaska dan benua Amerika Serikat, penanaman Zona 2 memiliki suhu minimum rata-rata yang sangat dingin antara -50 hingga -40 derajat F. Suhu ini dapat menghadirkan tantangan yang berkembang bagi banyak tukang kebun. Angin kencang dan kondisi kekeringan ditemukan baik di tundra maupun dataran Zona 2. Menanam tanaman asli, menanam semusim, dan menggunakan teknik penanaman kreatif memberikan keuntungan bagi tukang kebun.
Suhu di Zona 2
Zona 2 dapat mengharapkan suhu rata-rata minimum -50 hingga -40 derajat F
Zona 2a memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -50 hingga -45 derajat F
Zona 2b memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -45 hingga -40 derajat F
Masing-masing dari dua subzona dapat mengalami suhu yang lebih keras tergantung pada kondisi cuaca.
Tanaman Apa yang Dapat Saya Tumbuhkan di Zona 2?
Tanaman di Zona 2 harus mampu menahan suhu dingin yang ekstrem dan tingkat kekeringan yang tinggi. Tanaman asli paling baik beradaptasi dengan lingkungan. Semusim paling cocok untuk zona ini, tetapi beberapa tanaman keras dapat tumbuh jika dipilih dengan hati-hati.
Sayuran untuk Tumbuh di Zona 2
Ada sangat sedikit sayuran abadi yang mampu menahan dingin yang ekstrem di Zona 2. Meskipun, dengan perlindungan tambahan, asparagus dapat ditanam sebagai tanaman tahunan. Carilah sayuran tahunan dengan musim tanam yang pendek untuk hasil terbaik. Selain sayuran Zona 1, pertimbangkan untuk menanam:
- Wortel
- Sayur sawi
- Bawang bombay
- Pasnip
- Swiss chard
Pohon Buah Tumbuh di Zona 2
Ada beberapa pilihan untuk pohon buah-buahan di Zona 2. Mempertimbangkan lokasi penanaman dengan cermat akan membantu memastikan keberhasilan. Varietas buah hardy Zona 2 meliputi:
- Brookgold plum
- Apel Merah Musim Gugur
- Plum Fofonoff
- Garington Chokecherry
- Pinus Korea
- Apel Minnesota 1734
- Apel Norkent
- Apel taman
- Pembina plum
Herbal untuk Tumbuh di Zona 2
Zona 2 sangat ideal untuk menanam herba tahunan, baik yang ditanam kembali atau dari tanaman yang disemai sendiri. Herbal berikut dianggap tahan dingin untuk Zona 2:
- Hisop
- Junior
- Mawar Turkistan
Bunga Tumbuh di Zona 2
Tanaman asli adalah pilihan terbaik Anda untuk tanaman keras lunak di Zona 2. Namun, banyak tukang kebun yang berhasil dengan mencocokkan tanaman dari lingkungan yang sama. Pertimbangkan untuk menanam:
- Hati Berdarah
- Kebhikkhuan
- Penstemon
- Poppy
- Primrose
- Sea Holly
- Ungu
Zona Penanaman 3
Tanaman tahan banting Zona 3 ditemukan di seluruh Alaska, bagian utara Amerika Serikat dan di daerah dataran tinggi. Zona ini memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -40 hingga -30 derajat F. Tergantung pada lokasi geografis ruang tumbuh Anda, angin kencang, dingin ekstrem, dan kelembapan rendah dapat memengaruhi kondisi pertumbuhan.
Suhu di Zona 3
Zona 3 dapat mengharapkan suhu rata-rata minimum -40 hingga -30 derajat F
Zona 3a memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -40 hingga -35 derajat F
Zona 3b memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -35 hingga -30 derajat F
Masing-masing dari dua subzona dapat mengalami suhu yang lebih keras tergantung pada kondisi cuaca.
Tanaman Apa yang Dapat Saya Tumbuhkan di Zona 3?
Suhu rata-rata minimum yang dingin di Zona 3 membatasi pilihan tanaman untuk tanaman yang telah beradaptasi dengan suhu rendah. Sebagian besar tanaman asli dapat ditanam di seluruh zona, terlepas dari ketinggian, selama kondisi pertumbuhannya serupa. Musim tanam yang pendek membatasi sayuran dan bunga semusim, tetapi Anda dapat memperpanjang musim tanam dengan menanam tanaman di dalam ruangan atau membeli dari rumah kaca.
Sayuran untuk Tumbuh di Zona 3
Musim tanam yang pendek, dikombinasikan dengan suhu tanah yang rendah, membatasi kebun sayur di Zona 3. Menambahkan penutup baris dapat membantu memperpanjang musim tanam dan menghangatkan tanah. Tanam sayuran yang cepat matang untuk mengalahkan embun beku awal. Selain tanaman kuat Zona 1 dan 2, pertimbangkan untuk menanam:
- Asparagus
- Seledri
- Mentimun
- Labu musim panas
- Labu musim dingin
Pohon Buah Tumbuh di Zona 3
Ada banyak pohon yang cocok untuk Zona 3. Pilihan pohon buah yang populer meliputi:
- Cupid ceri
- Dolgo kepiting
- Pir Emas Awal
- Evans ceri
- Pir Rempah Emas
- Apel Tanah Baik
- Apel manis enam belas
- Toka plum
- Waneta plum
- Aprikot Westcot
Herbal untuk Tumbuh di Zona 3
Selain herbal tahunan, herbal yang cukup kuat untuk Zona 3 meliputi:
- Jawaban
- Catnip
- Kamomil Inggris
- merah kemerah-merahan Prancis
- Bawang Putih
- Lobak
- Peseli
- Pepermint
Bunga Tumbuh di Zona 3
Ada sejumlah bunga yang cukup kuat untuk menahan suhu dingin Zona 3. Pilihan populer meliputi:
- Alpine Rockcress
- Aster
- Bunga Selimut
- Varietas Liatris
- Salvia
- Salju di Musim Panas
- Lancar
- Virginia Bluebells
- Bunga dinding
Zona Penanaman 4
Zona Penanaman 4 meliputi wilayah pesisir selatan Alaska, wilayah utara Amerika Serikat dan dataran tinggi yang ditemukan di pegunungan barat. Iklim unik ini berbagi suhu rata-rata minimum antara -30 hingga -20 derajat F. Penanaman di zona ini tidak terlalu menantang dibandingkan di zona yang lebih dingin, tetapi musim tanam yang pendek berdampak pada waktu mekar sayuran dan bunga.
Suhu di Zona 4
Zona 4 dapat mengharapkan suhu rata-rata minimum -30 hingga -20 derajat F
Zona 4a memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -30 hingga -25 derajat F
Zona 4b memiliki suhu rata-rata minimum -25 hingga -20 derajat F
Masing-masing dari dua subzona dapat mengalami suhu yang lebih keras tergantung pada kondisi cuaca.
Tanaman Apa yang Dapat Saya Tumbuhkan di Zona 4?
Zona 4 dianggap sebagai iklim sejuk yang cocok untuk menumbuhkan tanaman yang cukup kuat untuk menahan suhu di bawah titik beku. Untuk memerangi musim tanam yang biasanya pendek, tukang kebun bisa memulai dengan memulai tanaman di dalam ruangan atau membeli mulai dari rumah kaca. Menambahkan lapisan mulsa yang baik dan mengambil tindakan pencegahan musim dingin dapat membantu beberapa tanaman bertahan hidup di musim dingin.
Sayuran untuk Tumbuh di Zona 4
Sebagai sayuran abadi, rhubarb tahan terhadap Zona 4. Jika dimulai di dalam ruangan, Anda juga dapat menambahkan tanaman berikut ke kebun sayur Anda:
Pohon Buah Tumbuh di Zona 4
There are many cold hardy fruit trees appropriate for planting in Zone 4, including:
- Alderman plum
- Alexander apple
- Buartnut
- Butternut
- Ewing blue plum
- Nova pear
- Railroad apple
- Summercrisp pear
- Trent apple
Herbs to Grow in Zone 4
Many herbs become hardy to Zone 4 with nothing more than an application of mulch during the winter months, including:
- Angelica
- Bee balm
- Garden sage
- Lemon balm
- Mountain mint
- Thyme
- Winter savory
Flowers to Grow in Zone 4
There are several perennial flowers native to Zone 4 areas that are hardy even in the coldest of winters. If you’re planning for Zone 4, consider these flowers:
- Coneflower
- Daylily
- Iris
- Phlox
- Plantain lily (Hostas)
Planting Zone 5
Plant hardiness Zone 5 includes the southern coastal region of Alaska, the North Central United States and portions of New England. With minimum average temperatures between -20 and -10 degrees F, this zone experiences a moderately cold winter. While the growing season is short, you can extend it by using cold frames or using started plants in your annual garden.
Temperature in Zone 5
Zone 5 can expect minimum average temperatures of -20 to -10 degrees F
Zone 5a has a minimum average temperature of -20 to -15 degrees F
Zone 5b has a minimum average temperature of -15 to -10 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 5?
Zone 5 gardens feature a wide range of environments. From coastal waters and woodlands to the wide plains of the Midwest, plants should not only be cold hardy, but they also need to match the growing environment. Gardens feature longer growing seasons that result in an increased vegetable harvest and extended blooms in landscaping.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 5
Raised beds and row covers help to warm the soil in Zone 5 for a longer growing season. After spring greens are planted, fast-maturing crops are then planted. Depending on your area, some cool season vegetables may be repeated in late summer for a fall harvest, including:
- Kale
- Lettuce
- Radishes
- Spinach
- Winter greens
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 5
Many fruit trees are hardy to Zone 5, including:
- Harrow Delight pear
- Honeycrisp apple
- Native pawpaw trees
- Pink Lady apple
- Snow Beauty peach
- Superior plum
- Warren pear
Herbs to Grow in Zone 5
Perennial herbs hardy for Zone 5 gardens include:
- Hybrid mints
- Large-flowered calamint
- Lavender
Flowers to Grow in Zone 5
With the proper planting and care, many perennial flowers are hardy enough to survive the cold winters of Zone 5, including:
- Baptisia
- Black-eyed Susan
- Campanula
- Cinquefoil
- Russian Sage
Planting Zone 6
USDA Hardiness Zone 6 covers a large portion of the United States. Known as a generally mild climate, the average minimum winter temperature is between -10 to 0 degrees F. With cold winter and mild-to-hot summers, you have many growing options in Zone 6.
Temperature in Zone 6
Zone 6 can expect minimum average temperatures of -10 to -0 degrees F
Zone 6a has a minimum average temperature of -10 to -5 degrees F
Zone 6b has a minimum average temperature of -5 to -0 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 6?
Zone 6 features many plants ideal for gardening and landscaping. Seed companies, nurseries and garden centers offer Zone 6 gardeners countless options. In many areas, spring, summer and fall blooms and vegetables are all possible.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 6
In Zone 6, the extended garden season and hotter summer temperatures make growing a wide variety of vegetables popular. Temperatures remain cool enough for rhubarb and asparagus, but get warm enough for melons and watermelon. Look to plant vegetables according to the length of the growing season. Vegetables that tend to do well are:
- Bush beans
- Butter lettuce
- Indeterminate tomatoes
- Longer season melons
- Winter squash
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 6
Peaches perform especially well in Zone 6. Some varieties to try are:
- Jefferson
- Late Crawford
- Loring
- Madison
- Nectar
- Red Globe
Herbs to Grow in Zone 6
Due to warm springs, herbs that reseed themselves are often popular Zone 6 choices. These include:
- Borage
- Coriander
- Dill
- False chamomile
- Oregano
Flowers to Grow in Zone 6
Because Zone 6 features distinct seasons of spring, summer and fall, flowers are available and will bloom for several months. In addition to cold hardy flowers such as pansies and snapdragons, extend your growing season by planting:
- False sunflower
- Floribunda rose
- Flowering fern
- Japanese Bottlebrush
- Lady’s Mantle
- Sedum
Planting Zone 7
Planting Zone 7 reaches across approximately 15 U.S. states. This zone features cool winters with average minimum temperatures falling between 0 to 10 degrees F. Gardens in this zone have multiple plant options from seed catalogues, local home stores, nurseries and greenhouses.
Temperature in Zone 7
Zone 7 can expect minimum average temperatures of 0 to 10 degrees F
Zone 7a has a minimum average temperature of 0 to 5 degrees F
Zone 7b has a minimum average temperature of 5 to 10 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 7?
Zone 7 contains many different growing climates, from the Eastern coastal areas through the Oklahoma prairies to the arid regions of the southwest and up into the forests of Oregon and Washington. The region’s wide variety in climates means that other considerations often need to be made to accommodate for drought tolerance and to adequately adjust soil conditions. Many Zone 7 hardy plants can be grown successfully in multiple locations with adjustments made to address their specific needs.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 7
Frost and early spring cold snaps can damage young vegetables. Providing row covers or cold frames can help protect against early spring or late fall damage. The long, hot summers, combined with the milder winters provide ideal growing temperatures for almost all vegetables. Although artichoke can be grown as an annual starting in Zone 4, in Zone 7 this decorative and edible plant becomes a perennial favorite. Add to your planting list:
- Arugula
- Hot peppers
- Long growing season vegetables
- Sweet peppers
- Turnips
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 7
A wide variety of fruit trees produce well in Zone 7, including:
- Bing cherry
- Blue Java banana
- Contender peach
- Cortland apple
- Fuji apple
- Fuyu persimmon
- Granny Smith apple
- Moorpark apricot
- Ozark plum
- Parker pear
- Rainier Sweet cherry
- Red Gold nectarine
- Scout apricot
- Stella cherry
- Turkey fig
- Wide variety of mulberries, elderberries and pawpaw trees
Herbs to Grow in Zone 7
In addition to most annual herbs, a wide variety of perennial herbs survive well in Zone 7. Although some varieties of rosemary are Zone 7 hardy, they don’t perform as well as in warmer climates. Herbs to consider adding to your Zone 7 garden include:
- Feverfew
- Marjoram
- Rue
- Sage
- Tarragon
Flowers to Grow in Zone 7
The hot summers in Zone 7 allow for the bloom of most flowering annuals. In addition, many perennials are considered hardy to Zone 7, including:
- Butterfly weed
- Candytuft
- Chrysanthemum
- Clematis
- Forget-me-not
- Four O’clock
- Painted daisy
- Peony
Planting Zone 8
Zone 8 is considered one of the warmest plant hardiness zones for a large portion of the southern United States. Extending up the western coast, Zone 8 features average minimum winter temperatures of 10 to 20 degrees F. With hot summers and mild winters, growers typically enjoy a long planting season.
Temperature in Zone 8
Zone 8 can expect minimum average temperatures of 10 to 20 degrees
Zone 8a has a minimum average temperature of 10 to 15 degrees F
Zone 8b has a minimum average temperature of 15 to 20 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 8?
Plants hardy for Zone 8 love mild winters and long, hot summers. With a wide range of moisture and sunlight requirements, growers should narrow down a potential plant list first by zone, and then by specific growing climates.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 8
Many gardeners in Zone 8 grow vegetables three times a year, especially with the aid of cold frames and row covers. Cool weather plants like spinach, lettuce and peas can be grown in both the spring and the fall. Even your summer vegetable harvest can be extended by planting every two weeks. Vegetables that thrive in the summer heat of Zone 8 include:
- Bolt resistant lettuce varieties
- Cantaloupe
- Field peas
- Hot peppers
- Okra
- Tomatoes
- Watermelon
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 8
Many fruit trees are hardy to both the mild winters and hot summers of Zone 8, including:
- Abacá banana
- Alma fig
- Anna apple
- Bronze banana
- Bryan apricot
- Clementine tangerine
- Darjeeling banana
- Gala apple
- Jujube varieties
- Kumquat and Limequat varieties
- Marsh grapefruit
- Meyer lemon
- Montmorency cherry
- Multiple varieties of peaches and plums
- Ruby grapefruit
- Washington orange
Herbs to Grow in Zone 8
Many of the herbs hardy to Zone 8 are native to Mediterranean areas. They thrive in long, hot summers and are often drought resistant. Consider adding these herbs to your Zone 8 herb garden:
- Bay laurel
- Marjoram
- Mexican oregano
- Rosemary
- Sage
Flowers to Grow in Zone 8
Zone 8 flowers should be able to stand up to the heat of the hot summers. Providing shade and plenty of moisture can help push your flowers through the hottest of days. Flowers well suited for Zone 8 gardens include:
- Asiatic lily
- Hardy geranium
- Lantana
- Mexican petunia
- Phlox
Planting Zone 9
Planting Zone 9 is considered a year-round planting zone. Located in California, Arizona, Texas, Florida and along the Gulf of Mexico coast, this zone features warm winters and hot summers. With an average minimum winter temperature of 20 to 30 degrees F, Zone 9 features active gardens throughout the entire year.
Temperature in Zone 9
Zone 9 can expect minimum average temperatures of 20 to 30 degrees F
Zone 9a has a minimum average temperature of 20 to 25 degrees F
Zone 9b has a minimum average temperature of 25 to 30 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 9?
Long, hot summers and mild winter conditions make the heat more of an issue than the cold in this zone. Tropical plants with low water requirements thrive in Zone 9. Because of the extreme heat, spring gardening begins much earlier and fall gardens produce much longer than in other zones.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 9
Although the growing season in Zone 9 extends over 9 months, you shouldn’t expect a continuous supply of summer veggies. The extreme heat of the summer breaks the vegetable garden season into winter, spring and fall gardening, versus the stereotypical summer gardening. Most areas will only produce peppers, okra and extremely heat-tolerant vegetables during August. However, you’ll likely be able to grow the following vegetables throughout the winter:
- Broccoli
- Brussel sprouts
- Cabbage
- Cauliflower
- Greens
- Spinach
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 9
Instead of considering the cold hardiness, growers in Zone 9 actually need to consider the heat tolerance of certain plants. Apples, pears, peaches and cherries require colder weather than Zone 9 provides. Instead of these popular fruit options, consider planting the following citrus and tropical fruit trees:
- Avocado
- Calamondin
- Giant pumelo
- Hardy kiwi
- Mandarin orange
- Olives
- Passionfruit
- Starfruit
- Trifoliate orange
Herbs to Grow in Zone 9
Certain cool season herbs, such as cilantro and parsley, may be grown throughout the winter in Zone 9. Other herbs that tolerate the heat well include:
- Basil
- Bay laurel
- Chives
- Coriander
- Lemon thyme
- Marjoram
- Mint
Flowers to Grow in Zone 9
Zone 9 flower gardens will showcase blooms year-round. Cold-hardy plants perform well during the mild winters, while tropical perennials are the centerpieces of long, hot summers. Zone 9 flowering plants include:
- Black-eyed Susan
- Canna
- Dahlia
- Hydrangea
- Rhododendrons
- Wisteria
- Zinnia
Planting Zone 10
Southern inland California, southern Florida and Hawaii are the three small areas where the average minimum winter temperature only falls between 30 to 40 degrees F. The ability of Zone 10 gardeners to avoid freezing temperatures is a huge bonus for winter gardening, but the extreme heat of the summer months limits planting possibilities.
Temperature in Zone 10
Zone 10 can expect minimum average temperatures of 30 to 40 degrees F
Zone 10a has a minimum average temperature of 30 to 35 degrees F
Zone 10b has a minimum average temperature of 35 to 40 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 10?
Tropical plants top the list for what grows well in Zone 10. With few frosts, the high heat and humidity of summer can become a major concern for growers.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 10
Cool season crops, including lettuces, radishes and peas, can be grown in Zone 10 during the winter with little fear of cold damage. Summer vegetables must be able to handle the long, hot days of summer. Consider including these vegetables in your Zone 10 garden:
- Bitter melon
- Jicama
- Peanuts
- Malabar spinach
- Tomatillos
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 10
Zone 10 is an ideal growing zone for many exotic fruit trees, including:
- Allspice tree
- Apple guava
- Carica papaya
- Dwarf Cavendish banana
- Jackfruit tree
- June plum
- Soursop tree
Herbs to Grow in Zone 10
The heat of summer in Zone 10 is ideal for growing a few unique herbs, such as:
- Curry leaf
- Galangal
- Ginger
- Mexican tarragon
- Miracle fruit
Flowers to Grow in Zone 10
Tropical plants survive the mild winters and hot summers of Zone 10 with ease. Some beautiful additions to your flower garden may include:
- Aeoniums
- Agave
- African lily
- Delta maidenhair fern
- Floss flower
- Geraniums
- Hummingbird mint
- Ornamental onion
- Peruvian lily
- Various aloes
Planting Zone 11
Planting Zone 11 is found in Hawaii, the Florida Keys, Puerto Rico and a few small areas of the Continental United States. This extremely warm zone features mellow winters with an average minimum winter temperature of between 40 to 50 degrees F. Cold hardiness is not a factor in this zone, since it has zero frost days. Instead, growers here must consider the impact heat has on their planting choices.
Temperature in Zone 11
Zone 11 can expect minimum average temperatures of 40 to 50 degrees F
Zone 11a has a minimum average temperature of 40 to 45 degrees F
Zone 11b has a minimum average temperature of 45 to 50 degrees F
Each of the two subzones can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 11?
Tropical plants are the highlight of Zone 11. With long, hot summers and warm winters, Zone 11 growers need to look for plants that are heat tolerant. Traditionally cold season plants, such as pansies and spinach, will have a limited growing season in the even the coolest part of winter here (which is rarely cold at all). Plants native to the area have the best chance of surviving the heat of summer.
Vegetables to Grow in Zone 11
Vegetables often started in late spring or early summer can be planted in late winter in Zone 11. Gardening happens year-round with the rotation of plants according to the temperature. A few cool season vegetables appropriate for winter gardening in Zone 11 include:
- Beets
- Cabbage
- Carrots
- Kale
- Radishes
- Sweet Peas
- Swiss chard
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zone 11
Most citrus and tropical fruits thrive in Zone 11. Some exotic choices include:
- Jaboticaba
- Macadamia
- Mango
- Moringa tree
- Natal plum
- Sea grape
Herbs to Grow in Zone 11
Growing herbs in Zone 11 can be difficult because of the extreme heat of summer. Many will not produce seeds due to the heat, so they must be planted as annuals during the cooler months. Some herbs you can begin planting in early spring include:
- Basil
- Chives
- Lemongrass
- Mexican oregano
- Mint
- Thyme
Flowers to Grow in Zone 11
The mild winters of Zone 11 allow for the growth of many cool season flowers without any worry of frost. However, these flowers usually wither away under the extreme summer temperatures. Flowers able to withstand the long, hot summers of Zone 11 include:
- Anemone coronaria
- Begonias
- Bougainvillea
- Drumstick allium
- Kangaroo paw
- Ponytail palm
Planting Zones 12 and 13
Planting Zones 12 and 13 are not found in the continental United States, but are located in both Hawaii and Puerto Rico. These two plant hardiness zones are extremely warm, tropical environments that are best suited for plants tolerant of intense heat. With the average minimum winter temperature between 50 and 70 degrees F, Zones 12 and 13, the warmest of all the USDA hardiness zones, feature tropical plants and exotic fruits.
Temperatures in Zone 12 and 13
Zone 12 can expect minimum average temperatures of 50 to 60 degrees F
Zone 12a has a minimum average temperature of 50 to 55 degrees F
Zone 12b has a minimum average temperature of 55 to 60 degrees F
Zone 13 can expect minimum average temperatures of 60 to 70 degrees F
Zone 13a has a minimum average temperature of 60 to 65 degrees F
Zone 13b has a minimum average temperature of 65 to 70 degrees F
The subzones in both Zones 12 and 13 can experience harsher temperatures depending on weather conditions.
What Plants Can I Grow in Zone 12 and 13?
Heat tolerance and maximum germination temperatures become an issue in Zones 12 and 13. Tropical plants are the key to gardening and landscaping in the extreme heat of both these zones. Growers germinate indoors, purchase plants from nurseries and grow many vegetables during the cooler winter months.
Vegetables to Grow in Zones 12 and 13
Almost all vegetables can be grown in Zones 12 and 13 by simply planting during cooler months and by using shade and irrigation to reduce heat. Planting summer vegetables early will bring a harvest in late June or early July. The late summer monsoon season often brings relief from the heat and generally provides another chance for planting. Look for plants that are heat and drought tolerant and have a short growing season, such as:
- Bush beans
- Eggplant
- Hot peppers
- Summer squashes
- Tomatoes
Fruit Trees to Grow in Zones 12 and 13
Exotic fruits native to extremely hot climates are ideal for growing in Zones 12 and 13. Consider planting these unique fruit trees:
- African apricot
- African breadfruit
- Ackee
- Alupag
- Amazon tree-grape
- Bacuri cascudo
- Bignay
- Black pepper
- Imbe
- Java Olive
- Tropical almond
Herbs to Grow in Zones 12 and 13
Just like vegetables, growing herbs in Zones 12 and 13 requires planning and plenty of moisture. Look for heat-tolerant options, such as:
- Borage
- Cilantro
- Culantro
- Rosemary
- Sage
- Savory
Flowers to Grow in Zones 12 and 13
With the proper care, many tropical plants will bloom beautifully in this hot climate. Consider planting flowers from the following tropical families:
- Musaceae
- Strelitziaceae
- Heliconia
- Zingiberaceae
- Costaceae
- Cannaceae
- Marantaceae
- Lowiaceae
No matter what zone you live in one thing is certain, you’ll need watering equipment. Gilmour offers the best quality in lawn and garden watering equipment you can find.
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