Di zaman modern ini, India terutama dikenal sebagai rumah bagi sejumlah besar ternak. Produksi susu global pada 2019 diperkirakan sekitar 268 miliar dolar, dengan India, Amerika Serikat, Cina, pakistan, dan Brasil memimpin.
Sumber daya genetik breed sapi di India termasuk yang terbesar di dunia. Ini adalah negara keanekaragaman hayati terkaya ketiga di Asia. Ada 192,49 juta sapi di India, dengan 43 sapi asli India yang terdaftar. Tambahan, ada populasi sapi yang tidak mencolok di India. Dari total sapi, sekitar 48 juta sapi adalah sapi perah.
Beberapa breed sapi asli ini lebih baik beradaptasi dengan kondisi agroklimat India, dan beberapa berkinerja sangat baik di negara lain di seluruh dunia untuk susu, daging atau terkait lainnya agribisnis . Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, banyak breed asli telah menurun karena memeliharanya tidak menguntungkan.
Breed sapi asli memiliki keunggulan tambahan seperti ketahanan penyakit yang lebih baik, manajemen masukan rendah, dan kelangsungan hidup yang lebih baik dalam cuaca ekstrim, membuat mereka penting dalam iklim perubahan iklim saat ini.
Sapi merupakan hewan ternak multiguna karena menghasilkan susu, daging, menyembunyikan, dan kekuatan rancangan. Lebih-lebih lagi, sejak domestikasi mereka, mereka telah memainkan peran penting dalam budaya manusia dengan berpartisipasi dalam permainan pertempuran, balapan, dan upacara keagamaan. Karena sapi adalah hewan besar, peternakan sapi membutuhkan gaya manajemen yang lebih terorganisir daripada kebanyakan ternak lainnya, berkontribusi pada sifat kompleks dan bertingkat masyarakat pertanian awal.
Penyebaran spesies domestik di berbagai benua dan adaptasinya terhadap berbagai lingkungan telah menyebabkan pengembangan berbagai jenis sapi. Dalam beberapa abad terakhir, berbagai karakteristik ini telah ditekankan oleh pengembangan yang terdefinisi dengan baik, khusus, dan keturunan yang terisolasi secara genetik.
Jenis jenis sapi di India
Ada berbagai jenis sapi di India. Nama-nama sapi India sebagian besar berasal dari saluran perkembangbiakan sapi tersebut. Kami telah menyiapkan daftar breed sapi India di bawah ini.
Sapi Amritmahal
Trah draft yang dikenal karena kekuatan dan daya tahannya. Breed Amritmahal adalah sapi ras India yang berapi-api dan aktif. Banteng sangat cocok untuk berlari dan transportasi cepat.
Nama lain ras sapi Amritmahal di India :Doddadana, Jawari Dana, Nomor Dan
Penggunaan Utama Amritmahal berkembang biak :Pekerjaan – Transportasi dan Draft
Ras Amritmahal Saluran Pemuliaan :Karnataka
Ras Amritmahal Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Amritmahal bertanduk panjang. Mereka memiliki kepala panjang yang meruncing ke bawah ke moncongnya.
Ras Amritmahal Asal :Penguasa Mysore membentuk kawanan antara tahun 1572 dan 1636 M. Dalam bahasa Hindi, Amrit berarti susu dan Mahal berarti rumah; breed ini dikembangkan dari breed draft India selatan untuk meningkatkan produktivitas susu.
Ras Amritmahal Warna :Abu-abu, tetapi dapat berkisar dari putih hingga hampir hitam. Beberapa hewan memiliki tanda abu-abu putih di wajah mereka dan dewlaps. Ada warna gelap di leher, bahu, punuk, dan bagian belakang.
Ras Amritmahal Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduknya panjang. Titik-titik hitam muncul dari bagian atas polling dalam arah mundur dan ke atas, berbelok dan berakhir dengan titik hitam yang tajam — terkadang menyentuh.
Ras Amritmahal Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :572
Sapi Bachaur
Sapi jantan dari jenis Bachaur dapat bekerja untuk waktu yang lama tanpa istirahat.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Bachaur di India :Bhutia
Ras Bachaur Penggunaan Utama :Kerja – Draf
Ras Bachaur Saluran Pemuliaan :Bihar
Ras Bachaur Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Bachaur berkembang biak berukuran sedang dengan punggung lurus. Dahi datar atau sedikit cembung.
Ras Bachaur Asal :Ras Bachaur mirip dengan ras Hariana.
Ras Bachaur Warna :Abu-abu atau putih.
Ras Bachaur Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Mereka memiliki yang kecil, tanduk pendek melengkung ke luar serta ke atas dan ke bawah.
Ras Bachaur Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :225 – 630 (rata-rata 347)
sapi badri
Dibesarkan terutama untuk kekuatan sapi jantan, susu, dan pupuk kandang.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Badri di India :Pahadi
Ras Badri Penggunaan Utama :Susu dan Draf
Ras Badri Saluran Pemuliaan :Uttarakhand
Ras Badri Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Jenis Sapi Badri Kecil, aktif, dan yakin. Dengan jajak pendapat yang menonjol dan punuk sedang hingga besar, dahinya lurus. Memiliki ambing kecil yang terselip dengan tubuh.
Ras Badri Asal :Ras sapi badri adalah Pribumi. Trah ini ditemukan di daerah perbukitan Uttarakhand.
Ras Badri Warna :Cokelat, Hitam atau Abu-abu. Sapi betina juga terkadang berwarna putih.
Ras Badri Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Melengkung ke atas dan ke dalam. Jantan memiliki tinggi tanduk 10-22cm sedangkan betina memiliki tinggi tanduk 15-25cm.
Ras Badri Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :547 – 657 (rata-rata 632)
sapi bargur
Dibandingkan dengan sapi ras India lainnya, watak sapi bargur sangat sensitif dan berapi-api, membuat mereka sulit untuk dilatih. Dirancang terutama untuk melakukan operasi pertanian di medan yang tidak rata dan berbukit, mereka ringan dalam konstruksi. Kecepatan dan daya tahannya dalam berlari tidak dapat ditandingi oleh ras lain.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Bargur di India :-Tidak ada-
Ras Bargur Penggunaan Utama :Kerja – Draf
Ras Bargur Saluran Pemuliaan :Tamilnadu
Ras Bargur Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi bargur memiliki tanduk berwarna coklat muda. Warna bulu bisa coklat dengan tanda putih menonjol.
Ras Bargur Asal :Sapi jenis ini dapat ditemukan di perbukitan Bargur di Bhavani taluk di distrik Erode.
Ras Bargur Warna :Coklat dengan tanda putih.
Ras Bargur Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Dengan kurva ke depan, tanduknya miring ke belakang, ke luar dan ke atas pada akar; mereka tajam di ujungnya. Tanduknya berukuran sedang dan berwarna coklat muda.
Ras Bargur Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :250 – 1300 (rata-rata 350)
sapi belahi
Sapi Belahi adalah sapi lokal dan diberi nama sesuai dengan pola warna tubuhnya. Istilah 'Belaha' digunakan untuk menggambarkan kombinasi warna. Untuk generasi, Gujjar juga dikenal sebagai Langarias telah memelihara sapi keturunan India ini.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Belahi di India :pagi, desi
trah belahi Penggunaan Utama :Susu, Draf dan Kotoran
trah belahi Saluran Pemuliaan :Haryana, Chandigarh
trah belahi Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi jenis ini berukuran sedang. Tubuhnya memiliki pola warna coklat kemerahan, dengan wajah dan ekstremitas putih dan daerah perut putih dengan intensitas bervariasi. Dengan polling yang menonjol, hewan ini memiliki tubuh lurus, kepala lebar.
trah belahi Asal :Sapi jenis ini dapat ditemukan di perbukitan Bargur di Bhavani taluk di distrik Erode.
trah belahi Warna :Putih atau coklat kemerahan dan abu-abu.
trah belahi Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduknya berbentuk sabit, melengkung ke atas dan ke dalam. Ukuran rata-rata tanduk jantan adalah 27,2 cm dan ukuran rata-rata tanduk betina adalah 25,4 cm.
trah belahi Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :182 – 2092 (rata-rata 1014)
Sapi Binjharpuri
Sapi Binjharpuri adalah keturunan sapi asli India dengan tujuan ganda. Trah ini ditemukan di seluruh distrik Jajpur dan wilayah Kendrapara dan Bhadrak yang berdekatan. Daerah dengan konsentrasi tinggi meliputi Bari, Binjharpur, dan Dasrathapur di distrik Jajpur.
Nama lain dari ras sapi Binjharpuri di India :Deshi
Ras Binjharpuri Penggunaan Utama :Makanan-Susu, Kerja- Draf, pupuk
Ras Binjharpuri Saluran Pemuliaan :Odisha
Ras Binjharpuri Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi jenis ini berukuran sedang dan kuat. Pada laki-laki, punuk, leher, dan beberapa bagian wajah dan punggung berwarna hitam terlepas dari warna bulunya.
Ras Binjharpuri Asal :Binjharpuri adalah ras asli. Mereka diberi nama setelah wilayah "Binjharpur" distrik Jajpur di Orissa
Ras Binjharpuri Warna :Putih, Abu-abu, berwarna hitam atau coklat.
Ras Binjharpuri Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduknya melengkung ke atas dan ke dalam. Binjharpuri Jantan memiliki panjang tanduk berkisar 21,17±2,86 cm, Binjharpuri Betina memiliki panjang tanduk berkisar 12,70±1,31cm.
Ras Binjharpuri Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :915 – 1350
sapi dagri
Sapi jenis India ini terutama digunakan untuk tujuan draft. Jumlah susu yang dihasilkannya lebih sedikit. Beberapa sapi tidak diperah sama sekali oleh para petani, susu mereka terutama disusui oleh anak sapi jantan mereka. Dalam bahasa sehari-hari, dagri berarti 'Deshi' atau tua atau asli.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Dagri di India :Gujarat Malvi
trah dagri Penggunaan Utama :Minuman
trah dagri Saluran Pemuliaan :Gujarat
trah dagri Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi dagri merupakan sapi kompak dengan dahi lurus dan badan pendek.
trah dagri Asal :Jenis sapi asli India.
trah dagri Warna :Umumnya berwarna putih. Namun, sapi dagri berwarna abu-abu juga ada.
trah dagri Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduknya pendek, tipis, dan melengkung ke atas dalam bentuk kecapi atau lurus dengan ujung runcing.
trah dagri Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :75 – 650 (Rata-rata 316)
Dangi sapi
Breed sapi India ini terutama digunakan untuk tujuan draft. Jumlah susu yang dihasilkannya lebih sedikit. Beberapa sapi yang bukan jenis sapi Dangi ditemukan terutama di Akola taluka di distrik Ahmadnagar, taluka Sinner dan taluka Igatpuri dari distrik Nashik dan Thane di Maharashtra, dan distrik Dangs di Gujarat. Secara umum, berkembang biak sapi dangi ditemukan di dekat pegunungan di mana hutan tersedia di kisaran Sahyadri.
Selain membajak, mengerikan, dan operasi lapangan lainnya, Sapi jenis Dangi Indian juga digunakan untuk mengangkut kayu dari kawasan hutan. Ini memiliki kualitas kerja yang sangat baik di daerah hujan deras, sawah, dan medan berbukit.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Dangi di India :Kandadi
ras Dangi Penggunaan Utama :Susu, minuman
ras Dangi Saluran Pemuliaan :Gujarat, Maharashtra, Haryana
ras Dangi Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Dangi memiliki sebaran bintik hitam atau merah yang tidak merata pada tubuhnya. Ada sedikit tonjolan di dahi.
ras Dangi Asal :Asal usul dangi berkembang biak memiliki beberapa teori. Nama dangi berasal dari kata marathi “dang” yang berarti gunung. Sapi keturunan India ini disebut demikian karena ditemukan di daerah pegunungan. Namun, menurut beberapa, jenis ini berasal dari distrik Dangs Gujarat. Juga, nama sinonim Kandadi mungkin menyarankan itu berasal dari Karnataka.
ras Dangi Warna :Sapi Dangi memiliki warna bulu putih yang khas dengan bintik merah atau hitam yang tersebar tidak merata di seluruh tubuhnya.
ras Dangi Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduk pendek dengan panjang sekitar 12-15 cm. Tanduknya bisa mengarah ke dalam dan ke bawah.
ras Dangi Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :175 – 800 (Rata-rata 430)
sapi deoni
Untuk pekerjaan berat, Sapi jantan Deoni lebih disukai. Pada usia sekitar 5 sampai 6 tahun, Banteng Deoni mencapai potensi maksimal mereka dan mempertahankannya melalui masa remaja mereka yaitu selama kurang lebih 12 tahun. Jalur pembiakan sapi deoni terbentang dari jajaran Balaghat di perbukitan Sahyadri di taluk Kannad di Aurangabad hingga taluk Deglur di wilayah Marathwada di Maharashtra.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Deoni di India :Surti, Dongarpati, Dongri, ingin, Waghid, Balanky dan Shevera
Deoni berkembang biak Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, transportasi dan susu
Deoni berkembang biak Saluran Pemuliaan :Karnataka, Maharashtra
Deoni berkembang biak Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Warna tubuh bintik hitam dan putih, telinga terkulai, dahi menonjol dan telinga terkulai adalah beberapa karakteristik sapi Deoni.
Deoni berkembang biak Asal :Dipercaya bahwa sapi Deoni telah dikembangkan dari sapi Gir. Nama trah ini berasal dari Deoni Taluk di distrik Latur. deoni, Udgir, dan taluk Ahmadpur dari distrik Latur merupakan tempat asal yang sebenarnya.
Deoni berkembang biak Warna :Berbintik hitam dan putih (Waghyd atau Shevera) atau hitam total (Balankya) atau Wajah hitam sebagian dengan tubuh putih (Wannera).
Deoni berkembang biak Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Dari belakang mata dan di samping polling, tanduk memanjang ke atas dan ke luar. Tanduknya berukuran kecil dan ujungnya tumpul.
Deoni berkembang biak Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :638 – 1229 (Rata-rata 868)
sapi gangatiri
Trah Gangatiri adalah produsen susu rata-rata dengan daya tarik yang baik. Ras sapi Gangatiri primer ditemukan di Ghazipur, bali, Varanasi, Mau, Mirzapur dan distrik-distrik yang berdampingan di Uttar Pradesh dan Bhabhua dan Buxar dan distrik Bhojpur di Bihar.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Gangatiri di India :Shahabadi, Hariana Timur
Ras Gangatiri Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, manurte, susu
Ras Gangatiri Saluran Pemuliaan :Uttar Pradesh, Bihar
Ras Gangatiri Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Dahi sapi Gangatiri lurus dan lebar dengan lekukan dangkal di tengahnya. Umumnya, kelopak mata, moncong, kuku, saklar ekor, dan moncongnya berwarna hitam.
Ras Gangatiri Asal : Nama sapi Gangatiri berasal dari sungai Ganga.
Ras Gangatiri Warna :Putih(Dhawar) atau Abu-abu(Sokan) .
Ras Gangatiri Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduk sapi gangatiri berukuran sedang. Tanduk muncul dari sisi poll di sekitar mata dan melengkung ke atas hingga mengarah ke depan.
Ras Gangatiri Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :900 – 1200 (Rata-rata 1050)
sapi gaolao
Breed sapi Gaolao adalah breed cepat berlari yang ideal untuk transportasi cepat di medan berbukit.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Gaolao di India :Gaulgani, Arvi
Gaolao berkembang biak Penggunaan Utama :Susu, mengangkut
Gaolao berkembang biak Saluran Pemuliaan :Maharastra, Madhya Pradesh
Gaolao berkembang biak Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Gaolao memiliki kepala yang sangat panjang dan sempit, meruncing ke arah moncong. Menuju puncak kepala, dahi sedikit menyusut, memberikan tampilan cembung. Mata berbentuk almond dan sedikit miring.
Gaolao berkembang biak Asal :Sapi jenis India ini dikembangkan oleh komunitas Nanda Gawali. Meskipun sangat mirip dengan jenis sapi Ongole, itu lebih ringan dan memiliki kelincahan yang lebih besar.
Gaolao berkembang biak Warna :Jantan berwarna putih kehitaman dan betina berwarna putih. Leher jantan umumnya berwarna abu-abu.
Gaolao berkembang biak Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Sapi Gaolao memiliki tanduk pendek dan kekar yang sedikit melengkung ke belakang.
Gaolao berkembang biak Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :470 – 725 (Rata-rata 604)
sapi Ghumusari
Ghumusari adalah draft breed. Mereka ditemukan di bagian barat distrik Ganjam dan daerah yang berdekatan dengan distrik Phulbani. Wilayah distrik Ganjam dengan konsentrasi tinggi dari breed ini adalah Bhanjanagar, Sorada, dan Aska.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Ghumusari di India :Deshi
Ras Ghumusari Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, Pupuk, susu
Ras Ghumusari Saluran Pemuliaan :Odisha
Ras Ghumusari Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Ghumusari kuat, sapi jenis draft berukuran kecil. Mereka memiliki kepala kecil dengan pipih, dahi lebar dan tertekan di antara kedua mata.
Ras Ghumusari Asal :Ghumusari adalah jenis sapi asli India. Mereka diberi nama setelah wilayah "Ghumusar" di distrik Ganjam dan Phulbani di Orissa.
Ras Ghumusari Warna :Umumnya berwarna putih tetapi terkadang abu-abu.
Ras Ghumusari Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Sapi Ghumusari memiliki tanduk yang melengkung ke atas dan ke dalam. Beberapa sapi mungkin memiliki tanduk lurus. Banteng Ghumusari memiliki panjang tanduk rata-rata 8,72±1,54. Sapi Ghumusari memiliki panjang tanduk rata-rata 7,47±1,67cm
Ras Ghumusari Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :450 – 650
sapi betina
Produksi susu sangat baik pada sapi gir. Semua jenis tanah dapat diseret oleh sapi jantan Gir, dari substrat pasir hingga bebatuan. Ditemukan di wilayah Saurashtra Gujarat, terutama hutan Gir.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Gir di India :Bhodal, desa, Gujarat, Kathiawari, Sorti, dan Surati
Jenis kelamin perempuan Penggunaan Utama :Susu
Jenis kelamin perempuan Saluran Pemuliaan :Gujarat
Jenis kelamin perempuan Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Seekor sapi gir memiliki panjang, telinga terjumbai yang melipat seperti daun. Telinga sapi gir menghadap ke depan.
Jenis kelamin perempuan Asal :Gir adalah nama hutan tempat ras ini berasal.
Jenis kelamin perempuan Warna :Merah murni atau merah berbintik-bintik.
Jenis kelamin perempuan Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduk sapi gir sangat melengkung. Mengambil kurva ke samping ke bawah dan ke belakang di dasar mahkota, mereka kemudian miring ke atas, melakukan sapuan spiral ke dalam, berakhir dengan lancip halus, memberikan penampilan setengah bulan.
Jenis kelamin perempuan Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :800 – 3300 (Rata-rata 2110)
sapi Hallikar
Hampir setiap distrik di Karnataka selatan memiliki jenis sapi Hallikar. Sapi keturunan India ini juga ditemukan di daerah yang berdekatan di negara bagian Andhra Pradesh dan Tamilnadu. Di antara breed draft terbaik di India selatan. Mayoritas sapi ras India Selatan berasal dari ras ini.
Nama lain ras sapi Hallikar di India :Mysore
Hallikar berkembang biak Penggunaan Utama :Minuman
Hallikar berkembang biak Saluran Pemuliaan :Karnataka
Hallikar berkembang biak Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Tanda putih atau bercak tidak beraturan dapat ditemukan di sekitar mata dan pipi, serta leher dan bahu sapi Hallikar.
Hallikar berkembang biak Asal :Hallikar adalah nama breed yang berasal dari nama sub suku komunitas Golla yang terutama bertanggung jawab untuk membiakkan breed tersebut.
Hallikar berkembang biak Warna :Abu-abu muda sampai putih dengan bayangan gelap pada bagian belakang dan bahu terutama pada sapi jantan muda.
Hallikar berkembang biak Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Dari bagian atas jajak pendapat, tanduk muncul di dekat satu sama lain, dibawa ke atas dan ke belakang selama hampir setengah panjangnya, dan membungkuk ke depan dan sedikit ke dalam untuk mengakhiri dengan ujung runcing.
Hallikar berkembang biak Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :227 – 1134 (Rata-rata 542)
sapi hariana
Di India utara, sapi ras India Hariana terkenal dengan tujuan gandanya – tersebar luas di dataran Indo Gangga. Umumnya, mereka dipelihara untuk menghasilkan sapi jantan. Sapi Hariana juga merupakan pemerah susu yang layak.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Hariana di India :Hansi
ras Hariana Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, susu , mengangkut
ras Hariana Saluran Pemuliaan :Haryana
ras Hariana Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Hariana berwarna Putih, dengan wajah panjang dan sempit, pusat jajak pendapat memiliki penonjolan tulang yang jelas dan tanduknya kecil.
ras Hariana Asal :Sapi Hariana mendapatkan namanya dari wilayah India Utara yang dikenal sebagai Haryana. Wilayah ini memiliki dua jenis sapi, Hisar dan Hansi, dinamai menurut kota tempat mereka berasal. Sapi Hariana diyakini berasal dari dua galur ini. Nama Hisar dan Hansi tidak ada saat ini.
ras Hariana Warna :Berwarna abu-abu muda atau putih. Sapi jantan Hariana memiliki bagian depan dan belakang berwarna abu-abu gelap.
ras Hariana Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Sapi Hariana bertanduk kecil.
ras Hariana Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :693 – 1745 (Rata-rata 997)
Sapi Himachali Pahari
Trah ini cocok untuk ekosistem tipe pegunungan sub-tropis/sub-lembab/sedang/dingin. Sapi jenis ini mampu bekerja di lahan sempit, ceroboh, bergelombang, medan berbukit. Sapi Himachali Pahari memiliki performa draft sedang.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Himachali Pahari di India :Pahari, desi, lokal, Gauri, Himdhenu, pahadi
Ras Himachali Pahari Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, pupuk, susu
Ras Himachali Pahari Saluran Pemuliaan :Himachal Pradesh
Ras Himachali Pahari Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi Himachali Pahari adalah sapi berukuran kecil hingga sedang dengan tubuh silindris yang kompak. Mereka memiliki kaki yang pendek, punuk sedang, telinga ditempatkan secara horizontal dan ekor yang relatif panjang.
Ras Himachali Pahari Asal :Sapi Himachali Pahari adalah jenis Indian Indeginous. Dinamakan demikian karena berasal dari perbukitan.
Ras Himachali Pahari Warna :Coklat kehitaman atau hitam.
Ras Himachali Pahari Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduknya berukuran sedang dan melengkung terutama ke arah lateral dan ke atas. Sapi jantan Himachali Pahari memiliki panjang tanduk rata-rata 16 cm, Sapi Himachali Pahari memiliki panjang tanduk rata-rata 13cm.
Ras Himachali Pahari Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :300 – 650 (Rata-rata 538)
Sapi Kangayam
Seekor lembu Kangayam memiliki kapasitas yang baik untuk bekerja dan digunakan untuk semua operasi pertanian. Sapi kangayam digunakan untuk mengangkut beban tebu saja, meskipun ada breed draft lain yang tersedia di daerah tersebut. Sapi Kangayam ditemukan di taluk Kangayam dan Dharapuram di distrik Erode, dan di taluk Karur kabupaten Karur.
Nama Lain Ras Sapi Kanayam di India :Kongu, Kanganad
Kanayam berkembang biak Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, mengangkut
Kanayam berkembang biak Saluran Pemuliaan :Tamilnadu
Kanayam berkembang biak Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi kangayam dicirikan oleh panjang, tanduk hampir melingkar, punuk yang panjang dan tubuh yang kuat.
Kanayam berkembang biak Asal :Trah ini mendapatkan namanya dari Kanayam taluk dari distrik Erode, bagian dari distrik Coimbatore. Pattogar akhir Palayakottai mengembangkan jenis ini. Trah ini mirip dengan trah Umblachery.
Kanayam berkembang biak Warna :Awalnya, bulu anak sapi itu berwarna merah, tetapi mulai berubah menjadi abu-abu setelah enam bulan. Punuk banteng, bagian depan dan belakang, wajah, dan kaki berwarna gelap. Banteng berwarna abu-abu. Umumnya, sapi berwarna abu-abu atau abu-abu dan putih. Biasanya sapi kangayam memiliki wajah abu-abu gelap.
Kanayam berkembang biak Bentuk dan Ukuran Tanduk :Tanduk yang kuat dan panjang yang menyapu ke belakang, ke luar, dan ke atas, melengkung ke dalam dengan ujung yang bertemu membentuk bentuk bulan sabit.
Kanayam berkembang biak Hasil susu per laktasi (kg) :540
sapi kankrej
Sapi jenis Kankrej India banyak digunakan untuk bertani. Jenis sapi jantan ini terutama digunakan untuk transportasi di daerah pedesaan.
Nama lain ras sapi Kankrej di India :Talabda, Naga, Wadad, Digaji, Bonnai, gelandangan
Kankrej berkembang biak Penggunaan Utama :Minuman, susu, mengangkut
Kankrej berkembang biak Saluran Pemuliaan :Rajastan , Gujarat
Kankrej berkembang biak Karakteristik yang Terlihat :Sapi dari jenis ini adalah yang terberat. Tanduk berbentuk kecapi yang kuat, bandul besar, dan telinga yang terbuka adalah karakteristik yang menonjol dari jenis ini. adalah sapi kompak dengan dahi lurus dan tubuh pendek.
Kankrej berkembang biak Asal :Nama trah ini berasal dari lokasi geografisnya Kank, sebuah taluka dari distrik Banaskantha di Gujarat.
Kankrej berkembang biak Warna :Abu-abu baja, abu-abu besi atau abu-abu perak. Bullocks have darker hindquarters, forequarters, and hump than the rest of their body.
Kankrej breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are curved outward and upward in a lyre-shaped.
Cattles of the kenkatha breed are used for light draught on roads and for cultivation. A robust species well suited to the climatic conditions of Bundelkhand, with strong feet and well-developed legs.
Other names of Kenkatha cow breeds in india :Kenwaria
Kenkatha breed Visible Characteristics :Kenkatha cattle are small, strong, and fairly powerful with a forward-facing horn.
Kenkatha breed Origin :Kenkantha cattle are bred along the banks of the river Ken in Bundelkhand, hence their name is also derived from the Ken river.
Kenkatha breed Warna :Generally, grey on the barrel and dark grey on the rest of body.
Kenkatha breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns rise from the outer angles of the poll in a notably forward direction and end at sharp points.
Kenkatha breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :-NA-
Khariar cow
Khariar indian breed cows are essentially a draft breed used for draft power in their native habitat which is hilly and undulating in nature. Nuapada district and adjacent areas in Kalahandi and Balangir districts are native to khariar cattle breed. Khariar, Komna, Sinapali and Boden blocks of Nuapada district are heavily populated with this breed.
Other names of Khariar cow breeds in india :Deshi
Khariar breed Main Use :Draught, manure, susu
Khariar breed Breeding Tract :Odisha
Khariar breed Visible Characteristics :Dagri cows are compact cattle with straight foreheads and short bodies.
Khariar breed Origin :Indian Indeginous cow breed which is named after its native tract “Khariar” in Nuapada district.
Khariar breed Warna :Its a small, strong draft cattle. The hump, neck, and some region of face and back are dark in colour.
Khariar breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are Straight. Upwards and inwards quite frequently. Khariar bulls have average horns length of 12.34±0.21 cm, Khariar Cows have average horns length of 10.12±0.27 cm.
Khariar breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :300 – 450
Kherigarh cow
Kherigarh cattle breed is known for its fast running pace. Primarly used for draught purpose.
Other names of Kherigarh cow breeds in india :Kharigarh, Kheri, Khari, Khairagarh
Kherigarh breed Main Use :Draught
Kherigarh breed Breeding Tract :Uttar Pradesh
Kherigarh breed Visible Characteristics :Kherigarh are small cattles.
Kherigarh breed Origin :Named after the town Khairagarh in Uttar Pradesh.
Kherigarh breed Warna :White or grey
Kherigarh breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are medium-sized (15 cm), upright, bending outward and upward. The base of the horns is thick.
Kherigarh breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :300 – 500
Khillar cow
Khillar Bullocks are known for their quick draught ability. The term ‘Khillari’ refers to a herd of cattle and the person who tends them is known as a ‘Khillari’ or ‘Thillari’. Khillari can be found in four different types throughout India. Atpadi Mahal is in southern Maharashtra; Mhaswad is close to Satara and Solapur; Thillari is in the Satpura hills, and Nakali is nearby the adjoining region.
Other names of Khillar cow breeds in india :Shikari, Mandeshi, Thillar
Khillar breed Visible Characteristics :Khillar cattle have long, bow-shaped horns. From the nasal bridge to the center of the poll, there is a distinct ridge on the forehead. Prominent and sharp nasal bridge.
Khillar breed Origin :Breed of cattle descended from breeding of Hallikar and Amritmahal.
Khillar breed Warna :Greyis-white.
Khillar breed Horns Shape and Size :Long and pointed, the horns follow the curve of the forehead. Located closely at the root and with a thick base, they grow backwards for half of their length and then turn upwards in a smooth bow shape unique to this breed, terminating in points.
Kokan Kapila breed cattle are useful for farmers in all kinds of farming enterprises. Due to the lack of transport facilities, Konkan Kapila cows are the only source of milk in some parts of the Konkan area.
The animals can graze even in sloppy forest areas without feeling fatigued and are well adapted to low input production systems. The animals are very heat-tolerant.
Other names of Kokan Kapila cow breeds in india :Konkan, Konkan gidda
Kokan Kapila breed Main Use :Draught, manure, susu
Kokan Kapila breed Breeding Tract :Maharashtra
Kokan Kapila breed Visible Characteristics :They have compact bodies, horizontal ears, and straight foreheads and are small to medium sized cattle. Generally, the eyelids, muzzle, hoof, and tail switch are black.
Kokan Kapila breed Origin :Kokan kapila is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. It takes its name from its locality in Konkan belt of Maharashtra state and Kapila is the name given to cow in ancient Indian literature.
Kokan Kapila breed Horns Shape and Size :Straight horns rising outwards and backward, ending at a point. Kokan Kapila bulls have average horns length of 18.45 cm, Kokan Kapila Cows have average horns length of 18.30 cm.
Kokan Kapila breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :450
Kosali cow
Kosali cattle breed is mostly found in the plains of Chhattisgarh. The Yadava/Rawuth community has kept this cattle generation after generation.
Other names of Kosali cow breeds in india :-None-
Kosali breed Main Use :Draught, manure, susu
Kosali breed Breeding Tract :Chhattisgarh
Kosali breed Visible Characteristics :Kosali cattle have black muzzles, eyelids, tail switches, and hooves. It has a broad, flat, straight head. The size of the hump is small to medium. The udder is small and bowl-shaped.
Kosali breed Origin :Kosali is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. Its name is derived from ancient name of Chhattisgarh that is “Kowshal”.
Kosali breed Warna :Light-red or whitish grey. Few kosali cattels are also found to have black coat or red coat with whitre patches.
Kosali breed Horns Shape and Size :Kosali cattle has stuppy and short horns which can grow in any direction:inward, upward or outward. Kosali bulls have average horns length of 21 cm, Kokan Kapila Cows have average horns length of 12 cm.
A heavy draught breed, this breed is used mainly in the black cotton soil of the watershed of the river Krishna.
Other names of Krishna Valley cow breeds in india :Kistna Valley
Krishna Valley breed Main Use :Draught
Krishna Valley breed Breeding Tract :Maharashtra, Karnataka
Krishna Valley breed Visible Characteristics :Krishna valley cattles have a massive body with a prominent bulge on the forehead.
Krishna Valley breed Origin :It is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. Deriving its name from the krishna river, Krishna Valley cattle are descended from Gir cattle from Kathiawar, Ongole cattle from Andhra Pradesh, Kankrej cattle from Gujarat, and local cattle with Mysore blood.
Krishna Valley breed Warna :Generally grey – white in colour. Krishna Valley bullocks have darker hind and fore quarters. Krishna Valley cows are comapritively more white. Some varied colour patterns such as brown and white, black and white, or mottled, are also observed.
Krishna Valley breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are curved and small in size. They rise in an outward direction from the poll and curve slightly upward and inward.
Krishna Valley breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :-NA-
Ladakhi cow
This cow’s milk is an important source of protein for the local population, especially during the lean winter months. The fat content of milk is high, around 5% and is used mostly for making butter and churpi, an important part of the local diet.
Ladakhi cattle are well adapted to high altitude, cold climates, and hypoxia. A compact body and short legs make it more suitable for mountainous territories.
Other names of Ladakhi cow breeds in india :-None-
Ladakhi breed Main Use :Draught, manure, susu
Ladakhi breed Breeding Tract :Jammu &Kashmir
Ladakhi breed Visible Characteristics :Ladakhi cattle have a small, hairy forehead and a long face. Their legs are short and they have a small hump.
Ladakhi breed Origin :Ladakhi is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. Originating from the Ladakh region of J&K.
Ladakhi breed Warna :Black or brown.
Ladakhi breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are mainly curved, pointing upward and forward with pointed tips over the forehead. Ladakhi bulls have average horns length of 16 cm, Ladakhi Cows have average horns length of 11 cm.
Ladakhi breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :-NA-
Lakhimi cow
Locally known as Lakhimi, the indigenous cattle of Assam are found throughout the state. Especially in muddy fields for paddy cultivation, Lakhimi Bullocks are excellent draft animals for carting and plowing. Dairy products from Lakhimi cattle are high in fat, which is why they elicit a high price.
Other names of Lakhimi cow breeds in india :-None-
Lakhimi breed Main Use :Draught, susu
Lakhimi breed Breeding Tract :Assam
Lakhimi breed Visible Characteristics :Typically, the legs of Lakhimi cattle are very short and the cattle are small. The coat color varies from brown to grey. It has a medium-sized hump and a slightly curved backline. It has a small Udder which is bowel shaped.
Lakhimi breed Origin :Lakhimi is an Indian Indeginous cow breed originated in Assam.
Lakhimi breed Warna :Grey or Brown.
Lakhimi breed Horns Shape and Size :Straight shapped hons with average length of 17 cm.
Well adapted to the local agro-ecological systems of the Western Ghats, malnad gidda cattles play an important role in the rural economy of this region by providing milk, manure, and draft power for little input.
Other names of Malnad Gidda cow breeds in india :Varshagandhi, Gidda, Uradana
Malnad Gidda breed Main Use :Draught, manure, susu
Malnad Gidda breed Breeding Tract :Karnataka
Malnad Gidda breed Visible Characteristics :With a compact frame of around 80-120 kilos, Malnad gidda cattle is small and light. It has a black tail-switch and a small hump. The udder is small and is shaped like a bowl.
Malnad Gidda breed Warna :The coat colour is black. Fawnish hues are also dominant on the thighs and shoulder region of the coat.
Malnad Gidda breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are commonly straight and small.
Malnad Gidda breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :218.3
Malvi cow
The Malvi cattle are known for their quick transportation, endurance, and ability to carry heavy loads on rough roads. Ratlam district and adjacent areas of Madhya Pradesh are also home to this cattle breed.
Other names of Malvi cow breeds in india :Manthani, Mahadeo puri
Malvi breed Main Use :Draught, mengangkut
Malvi breed Breeding Tract :Madhya Pradesh
Malvi breed Visible Characteristics :A Malvi cattle has a lyre shaped horn and is strong and well built.
Malvi breed Origin :Malvi is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. It is named after Malwa region where it is found.
Malvi breed Warna :Malvi cattle are white or white greyish in colour. The cattle has neck, shoulders, hump and quarters almost black in colour. With age, cows and bullocks’ colour changes to almost pure white.
Malvi breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are curved, rising outward and upward from the outer edge of the poll. Average length of the horn is 20-25 cm.
Mewati breed Visible Characteristics :A Mewati cattle’s face is long and narrow with a straight, sometimes lightly protruding forehead.
Mewati breed Origin :Mewati is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. It is similar to Haryana, but there are traces of Gir, Kankrej, and Malvi breeds.
Mewati breed Warna :White in colour. Quarters, neck and shoulders are of darker shade.
Mewati breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are small to medium in size with pinted tips.
Mewati breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :958
Motu cow
The motu cattle breed is primarily used for its draught power when it comes to hilly and undulating terrain.
Other names of Motu cow breeds in india :Deshi
Motu breed Main Use :Draught, milk, pupuk
Motu breed Breeding Tract :Odisha
Motu breed Visible Characteristics :Motu cattle are small, strong, and draft type cattle. Most cattle are polled and brown in colour.
Motu breed Origin :Indian Indeginous cow breed. Its name is derived from the local area “motu” of Makangiri district in Orissa.
Motu breed Warna :Reddish-brown in colour. Sometimes grey or rarely white.
Motu breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns rise straight upwards. The tips of the horns are rounded.
Motu breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :100 – 140
Nagori cow
Suitable for the unrelenting climatic circumstances of Rajasthan, nagori cattle breed is maily used for labour and transport. Apart from Nagaur district, this cattle breed is also found in Jodhpur district and Nokha tehsil of Bikaner district.
Other names of Nagori cow breeds in india :-None-
Nagori breed Main Use :Draught, mengangkut
Nagori breed Breeding Tract :Rajasthan
Nagori breed Visible Characteristics :The “Nagori” is a white, upstanding, alert, and agile cattle breed with a long and narrow face similar to a horse.
Nagori breed Origin :Nagori is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. It derives its name from Nagaur district of Rajasthan.
Nagori breed Warna :Light grey or white
Nagori breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are medium to small in size. The horns rise from outer edge of the poll, extending in an outward direction and gently curve upward with pointy ends.
Niri cattle are dual purpose cattle, used to get milk and also for draught purposes. Around the Aravali forest range is where the majority of the Nari cattle population resides. The terrain is hilly and undulating in these regions. The region has a semi-arid tropical climate with a high mean temperature.
Other names of Nari cow breeds in india :Sirohi
Nari breed Main Use :Draught, susu
Nari breed Breeding Tract :Gujarat, Rajasthan
Nari breed Visible Characteristics :The size of Niri cattle is Medium. Male horns are mostly oriented forward while female horns are mostly oriented outward. Horns are usually wide, long, thick at the bottom, and pointed at the tips. In most cases, the forehead is broad and slightly concave.
Nari breed Origin :Nari cattle is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. The name Nari derives from the word Nar, which refers to hills.
Nari breed Warna :Generally white. Namun, grey coloured dagri cows are also there.
Nari breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns rise outward in Nari cows and forward in nari bullocks. Nari bulls have average horns length of 55.56 cm, Nari Cows have average horns length of 51.68 cm.
The Nimari cattle breed is primarily used in farming activities as well as for transportation. They are mainly found in the central parts of Khargaon, Badwani districts, and few are found in the bordering Dhar district and surrounding areas of Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra.
Other names of Nimari cow breeds in india :Khargoni, Khargaon, Khurgoni
Nimari breed Main Use :Draught, mengangkut
Nimari breed Breeding Tract :Madhya Pradesh
Nimari breed Visible Characteristics :Nimari cattle is brownish-red in colour and has a huge body structure. The brownish-red coat also has white spots on it.
Nimari breed Origin :Nimari is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. It is named after the Niamr region og Madhya Pradesh. Nimari cattle are crossbred from Gir and Khillari cattle. The color of its coat, its massive body structure, and convexity of its forehead are all attributes of its Gir genes, whereas its Khillari genes contribute to its hardiness, agility, and temper.
Nimari breed Warna :Brownish red with white spotting.
Nimari breed Horns Shape and Size :It is common for horns to rise in a backward direction from the outer edge of the poll, somewhat in the same way as in Gir cattle, before turning upward, outward, and finally inward.
Ongole cattel breed is found all along the coast from Nellore to Vizianagram. Ongoles are exported to several countries. The USA imported it for beef; Brazil imported it for beef and milk; Sri Lanka, Fiji and Jamaica imported it for draught; Australia imported it for heat tolerance and beef; and Switzerland imported it for disease resistance.
Other names of Ongole cow breeds in india :Nellore
Ongole breed Main Use :Draught, susu
Ongole breed Breeding Tract :Andhra Pradesh
Ongole breed Visible Characteristics :Known for their magnificent gait, stumpy horns, large, fleshy, serrated dewlaps, and smooth, flowing folds rather than tight constrictions, Ongole cattle are easily distinguishable.
Ongole breed Origin :Indian Indigenous cow breed.
Ongole breed Warna :Glossy white coat ( called padakateeru in local Telugu language). Dark grey markings appear on the head, neck, and hump of males. There are also black points on the knees and pasterns. The muzzel and eyelashes are black.
Ongole breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are thick at the base and short and stumpy. Horns rise outwards and backwards. Horns are Ongole cows are thinner then ongole bulls.
Ongole breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :688
Ponwar cow
Ponwar bullocks are fast-moving, ideal for farming activities and provide an important source of income to the farmers. Puranpur tehsil, located in Pilibhit district, is the home to ponwar cattle breed. Ponwar cattle is found in Mainakot, Mazara, Bhirkhera, Faizulaganj and Rajpur Semra villages.
Other names of Ponwar cow breeds in india :Purnea
Ponwar breed Main Use :Draught, mengangkut
Ponwar breed Breeding Tract :Uttar Pradesh
Ponwar breed Visible Characteristics :It’s a medium to large size cattle with piculiar whit spotting on white coat.
Ponwar breed Origin :Breeders believe this breed is a cross between plain cattle and hill cattle. This breed might have originated from Nepalese hill cattle (Morang) and local white cattle.
Ponwar breed Warna :Brown or black with white coloured patches. The white coloured patching doesnt have any pattern.
Ponwar breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns medium sized and rise outward, upward and bend inward with pointy tips.
Ponwar breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :459
Poda Thirupu / PodaThurpu cow
Poda Thirupu bullocks are powerful and excellent for heavy plowing and carting. This cattle is are fast and agile.
Other names of Poda Thirupu / PodaThurpu cow breeds in india :Thurpu, Poda Edlu, Thurpu Edlu
Poda Thirupu breed Main Use :Draught, milk, pupuk
Poda Thirupu breed Breeding Tract :Telangana
Poda Thirupu breed Visible Characteristics :PodaThurpu cattle is of medium size with a compact body. A white coat with brown patches or a red/brown coat with white patches. The entire body is covered in patches. It is most common to find patches on the posterolateral sides. The base of the horns is broad. Majority of animals have a convex forehead with a deep groove at the centreort bodies.
Poda Thirupu breed Origin :Poda Thirupu is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. This breed of cattle is known as Poda Edlu (Poda locally means spotted or speckled/blotched), it typically has speckled/blotched fur (brown spots on white skin). In western Telangana, the cattle breed is known as Thurpu Edlu. Farmers who use these bullocks for draught purposes call them Thurpu Edlu (meaning East in Telugu, while Edlu means bullocks in local language). They originated on the eastern side of the Telangana district.
Poda Thirupu breed Warna :Light brown to dark brown patches on white coat.
Poda Thirupu breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are usually straight, occasionally curved backwards and forward-pointing. Poda Thirupu Bulls have an average horn length of 31.85 cm, Poda Thirupu Cows have an average horn length of 29.98 cm.
Pulikulam cattle do well on extensive grazing in the tropical climate of the area in open housing. Pulikulam Bulls are used for the sport of Bull riding ( Jallikattu ), which is very popular in the area.
Other names of Pulikulam cow breeds in india :Mattu Maadu, Jallikattu maadu, Kilakattu maadu, Palingu maadu, Mani maadu,
Pulikulam breed Main Use :Draught, manure, game (Jallikattu)
Pulikulam breed Breeding Tract :Tamilnadu
Pulikulam breed Visible Characteristics :Pulikulam cattle are small, compact, and have short legs. Muzzle, eyelids, tail switch, and hooves are black. Forehead is broad and level with a groove at the centre. Pulikulam bulls have a large bump while Pulikulam cows have a small bump. The udder is not well developed.
Pulikulam breed Origin :Pulikulam cattle is an Indian Indeginous cattle breed. These cattles derive their name from the village Pulikulam.
Pulikulam breed Warna :Pulikulam bulls are dark grey, and Pulikulam cows are grey or white.
Pulikulam breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are Curved. With pointed tips, the horns bend outwards, upwards, backwards and inwards. The tips of the horns are wide apart. Pulikulam Bulls have an average horn length of 34.34 cm, Pulikulam Cows have an average horn length of 37.22 cm.
Pulikulam breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :-None-
Punganur cow
Farming activities on light types of soil are conducted with punganur cattle. The Punganur bull is used for carts like tongas for racing games.
Other names of Punganur cow breeds in india :-None-
Punganur breed Main Use :Draught, milk, mengangkut
Punganur breed Breeding Tract :Andhra Pradesh
Punganur breed Visible Characteristics :The punganur have a small physique.
Punganur breed Origin :Punganur is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. Rulers of Punganur developed this breed. Thus, this breed is known as Punganur after the name of the area.
Punganur breed Warna :White, grey, light brown, dark brown, or red are the common colors of Punganur cattle. Occasionally, white coat cattle are mixed with either a red or black colour.
Punganur breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are small to medium-sized and crescent-shaped and often loose, curving backwards and forward in punganur bulls and forward and lateral in panganur cows.
Seemanchal region of Bihar is home to Purnea cattle, which are distributed in Araria, Purnea and Katihar, and adjoining Kishanganj, Supaul, and Madhepura districts. The Purnea cattle has a very good drought and heat tolerance.
Other names of Purnea cow breeds in india :-None-
Purnea breed Main Use :Draught, milk, pupuk
Purnea breed Breeding Tract :Bihar
Purnea breed Visible Characteristics :A Purnea cattle is a small animal. They have a medium hump, a small to medium dewlap, a small naval flap, and a small to the medium udder. The head is medium in size. While most Purnea cattle have flat polls, some have somewhat prominent polls.
Purnea breed Origin :Purnea is an Indian Indeginous cow breed. This cattles derives its name from purnea district in Bihar (which is part of its breeding tract).
Purnea breed Warna :Primarily grey but occasionally red and black.
Purnea breed Horns Shape and Size :Their horns are small, straight, and mostly carried upwards, but sometimes laterally as well. Purnea Bulls have an average horn length of 8.3 cm, Purnea Cows have an average horn length of 7.1 cm.
The Rathi cattle breed is especially prevalent in Loonkaransar tehsil of Bikaner district. This region is also known as rathi tract. This breed is well accustomed to desert conditions.
Other names of Rathi cow breeds in india :-None-
Rathi breed Main Use :Milk
Rathi breed Breeding Tract :Rajasthan
Rathi breed Visible Characteristics :The face of Rathi cattle is broad between the eyes and slightly dishevelled. The dewlap is fine and loose. The tail is long and fine and tapers to a good black or white switch well below the hock.
Rathi breed Origin :Indian Indeginous cow breed. There are pastoral tribes called Raths who breed this cattle breed, and who live a nomadic life. The name of this brred is derived from the name of rath tribe. Apparently, Rathi cattle are a mixture of Sahiwal, Red Sindhi, Tharparkar, and Dhanni breeds with a high proportion of Sahiwal blood.
Rathi breed Warna :Generally, rathi cattle have brown coats with white patches all over, but cattle with completely brown coats or black coats with white patches are also common. Secara umum, the lower body parts are lighter in color than the rest of the body.
Rathi breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are short to medium-sized and curve outward, upward, and inward. .
The Red Kandhari is found in Kandhar, Mukhed, Nanded, and Biloli tehsils of Nanded district, and in Ahmadpur, Parli, and Hingoli tehsils of Latur district. The red Kandhari bull is used for heavy work.
Other names of Red Kandhari cow breeds in india :Lakhalbunda
Red Kandhari breed Main Use :Draught, Transport
Red Kandhari breed Breeding Tract :Maharashtra
Red Kandhari breed Visible Characteristics :The red coat and big size are a distinctive charecteristics of red kandhari cattle breed.
Red Kandhari breed Origin :Red Kanhari, now referred to as Red Kandhari, was the breed named in memory of Raja Somdeori’s father Raja Kanhar. Having a red color and common in the Kandhar tehsil of Nanded district, the breed naturally acquires the name Red Kandhari.
Red Kandhari breed Warna :Generally, the color is a deep, dark red, but there are variations from dull red to almost brown. Red kandhari Cows are typically lighter in color than red kandhari bulls.
Red Kandhari breed Horns Shape and Size :This breed has medium sized horns hich are evenly curved.
Red Kandhari breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :598
Red Sindhi cow
Originally bred in Pakistan, organized herds have been established in the Indian states of Orissa, Tamil nadu, Bihar, Kerala, and Assam.
Other names of Red Sindhi cow breeds in india :Sindhi, Malir, Red Karachi
Red Sindhi breed Main Use :Milk
Red Sindhi breed Breeding Tract :Originally from region of pakistan, but in India Orissa, Tamil nadu, Bihar, Kerala and Assam has this breed
Red Sindhi breed Visible Characteristics :Distinct red colour and large size.
Red Sindhi breed Origin :Las Bela cattle, found in the Baluchistan state of Bela, are believed to have been the ancestors of Red Sindhis.
Red Sindhi breed Warna :Red is the dominant color of this breed. The colour varies from dark red to dim yellow. Despite patches of white on the dewlap and sometimes on the forehead, there are no large patches of white on the body. The shoulders and thighs of red Sindhi bulls are darker in colour.
Red Sindhi breed Horns Shape and Size :Horns are small to medium in size. They appear lateral and curving upward and are thick at the base.
Red Sindhi breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :1100 – 2600 (Average 1840)
Sahiwal cow
A Sahiwakl is one of the best dairy breeds of Zebu cattle. It is being used for the betterment of local stock. The towns of Fazilka and Abohar in Ferozepur district have a few herds of pure Sahiwal cattle.
Other names of Sahiwal cow breeds in india :Lola, Montgomery, Lambi Bar, Teli, Multani
Sahiwal breed Main Use :Milk
Sahiwal breed Breeding Tract :Rajasthan, Punjab
Sahiwal breed Visible Characteristics :A pale red color, short horns, and loose skin are visual characteristics of sahiwal cattle breed.
Sahiwal breed Origin :This breed gets its name from the Sahiwal area of Montgomery district in Punjab.
Sahiwal breed Warna :Sahiwal cattle have brownish red coloring. The coat colors may vary from a mahogany reddish-brown to a greyish red. Sahiwal bulls have darker extremities than the rest of their bodies. A few patches of white may appear occasionally.
Sahiwal breed Horns Shape and Size :A Sahiwal cattle’s horns are stumpy and short to medium, and they run outwards, upwards, and then inwards.
Shweta kapila cattle breed is well adapted to hot and humid conditions. Farmers and elders in the Valpoi and Seekeri region (North Goa) believe that Shweta kapila cow milk has medicinal properties.
Other names of Shweta Kapila cow breeds in india :Gavthi dhavi, Gaunthi
Shweta Kapila breed Main Use :Milk
Shweta Kapila breed Breeding Tract :Goa
Shweta Kapila breed Visible Characteristics :Shweta kapila Cattle is completely white in colour. The white color extends from muzzle to tail switch, including eyelashes and muzzle(whitish brown). These cattle have a short to medium stature and a small to medium sized hump. The face is straight.
Shweta Kapila breed Origin :It is an Indian Indigenous cow breed. Kapila refers to a uniformly coloured cow, while shwet refers to white colour.
Shweta Kapila breed Warna :White.
Shweta Kapila breed Horns Shape and Size :Medium sized straight horns that may be, at times, slightly curved upward and outward. Average size of Shweta kapila cattle is 20-27 cm.
Siri bulls are main source of draught power in their breeding tract.
Other names of Siri cow breeds in india :Trahbum
Siri breed Main Use :Draught
Siri breed Breeding Tract :Sikkim, West Bengal
Siri breed Visible Characteristics :Generally like Holstein Friesian in colour, with a cervicothoracic type hump covered in hair .
Siri breed Origin :Siri is an Indian Indigenous cow breed.
Siri breed Warna :Brown with white patches or black with white patches. Ocationally completely black or brown as well.
Siri breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are medium in size and bend outward, forward, and upward slightly, with sharp tips.
Siri breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :425.8
Tharparkar cow
Tharparkar cattles are well suited for harsh climatic conditions of Thar dessert. The Tharparkar cattle are found along the Indo-Pak border in Western Rajasthan and up to the Rann of Kutch in Gujarat.
Other names of Tharparkar cow breeds in india :Grey Sindhi, Thari, White Sindhi
Tharparkar breed Visible Characteristics :Tharparkar cattles have a convex forehead.
Tharparkar breed Origin :Indian Indeginous cow breed. Tharparkar gets its name from the Thar Desert, its place of origin.
Tharparkar breed Warna :Tharparkar cattle are white or light grey in color. The face and extremities are darker than the body. Tharparkar bulls have a dark neck, hump, forequarters, and hindquarters.
Tharparkar breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are set well apart and curve gradually upward and outward in the same direction as the poll. The horns have blunt points that are angled inward. The horns base measure 12.5 to 17.5 cm in circumference and is moderately thick. Tharparkar bulls have short, thick horns.
Available in almost all the districts of its breeding tract in nagaland, thutho cattle breed is well adapted to warm subtropical climatic conditions. These cattles are maily rared for draught and meat.
Other names of Thutho cow breeds in india :Sheapi, Tseso, Ameshi, Sheapi
Thutho breed Main Use :Draught, manure, daging
Thutho breed Breeding Tract :Nagaland
Thutho breed Visible Characteristics :Thutho are a medium sized Indian breed cows that are docile and well built. Forehead of this cattle is straight and small. The backline is bumpy and slants behind the small hump, then rises to peak between the hipbones and then descends abruptly to the tail head.
Thutho breed Origin :Indian Indeginous cow breed.
Thutho breed Warna :Brown or black. Occasionally with white spotting on body or face.
Thutho breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns are short and stumpy. The horns bend outwards and then upwards.
Thutho breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :-None-
Umblachery cow
Umbalachery is a light-bodied draught cattle developed for marshy paddy fields. Due to their light weight, the Umbalachery breed is very well suited to work in the alluvial type of soil of this area. Umblachery cattles are found in All the unions of Thiruvarur district; Keelalyur, Kelvelur, Nagapattinam, Thalaignayar, Thirumarugal and Vedaranyam and the unions of Nagapattinam district of Tamil Nadu.
Other names of Umblachery cow breeds in india :Mottaimadhu, Southern, Therkuthimadhu, Tanjore, Molaimadhu, Jathimadu
Umblachery breed Main Use :Draught
Umblachery breed Breeding Tract :Tamilnadu
Umblachery breed Visible Characteristics :White markings can be seen on the face, limbs, and tail of this cattle. White marks are visible on all legs below the hocks, appearing like socks or stockings.
Umblachery breed Origin :Umbalachery is a small village in the Thalaignayar union in Nagapattinam district, where this cattle derives its name from.
Umblachery breed Warna :At birth, the coat is red and changes to grey by three to four months of age. Umblachery bulls have black extremities and a dark gray coat. Umblachery cows are grey in color, with light dark grey patches on the face, neck, and hips.
Umblachery breed Horns Shape and Size :The horns, very small in size, bend outward and inward, sometimes spreading laterally. Horns are thick in Umblachery bulls and thin in Umblachery cows.
Umblachery breed Milk yield per lactation(kg) :494
Vechur cow
Vechur cattle produce more milk than other dwarf cattle in this area. These Indian breed cows belong to Kuttanad. Kuttanad is a unique agricultural tract that includes Alappuzha, Kottayam, Pathanamthitta, and Kasaragod districts in Kerala. Vechur cattle are well adapted and evolved to the social (local culture and low input from domestic animals) and climatic conditions (heavy rains and humid weather) of the region. As animals with a smaller structure are much suited in this breeding tract.
Other names of Vechur cow breeds in india :-None-
Vechur breed Main Use :Milk, Manure
Vechur breed Breeding Tract :Kerala
Vechur breed Visible Characteristics :The Vechur cattle are notable for their compact bodies and small size.
Vechur breed Origin :It derives its name from a place called Vechur which is situated near Vaikam in Kottayam district of South Kerala, by the side of the Vembanad lake.
Vechur breed Warna :Vechur cattle are light red, black, fawn and white in color.
Vechur breed Horns Shape and Size :Curving forward and downward, the Horns are small and thin. They can be extremely small and barely visible in some cases.